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Once upon a time in Edinburgh... anotherone erasmus plus ka1 mobility

It is STORYTELLING high time...

The tale of Dunkan MacRae

At Edinburgh School of English

Tim Porteus introduced himself and the course itself with an introductory letter to all teachers- participants, so as to help us reach the core of the seminar the most creative and fruitful way.

Tim defining the course main parameters
A hint of the fruitful and repressed in the past Scot and Gaelic language : "I don't know what you are talking about"

Creating a "chain story"

Take your word, do not look at it , listen to others narrating, visualise the story co-created and go on when it's your turn...

My word was just a "chain"

The portrait painting

The RIDDLES magic effect

“The person who uses it never sees it, the person who makes it doesn’t use it, the person who pays for it wishes it wasn’t needed. What is it?”

by Tim Porteus

Riddles can do their magic in everyday school routine!

by Tim Porteus

Do you want to start using riddles in class? See how you can make riddles!

"There are literally thousands of examples of riddles, in books, on the internet, in history, films and ones you hear. But the best ones will be those you make up yourself and with your students." Tim
by Tim Porteus

Creating and harvesting riddles at Edinburgh

What is it? Can you guess?
And another one... What is it?
Acting the riddle out
Group work always works!

The transformative power of storytelling in class

About the creative spark of storytelling

Cultural visits in the afternoon...

At the Edinburgh Castle
At the Holyrood Palace
Created By
Maria Dangli




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