Goświnowice is a small village located in the south-west of Poland.
It has 1335 inhabitants. Most people are nice, although there are also worse people.
There are several old buildings in Goświnowice. These include, among others an old distillery (visible in the picture), which is a monument, as well as a malt house or an old nursery school.
We also have a park in which there is one of three ponds and to which we often go for walks. The other pond is in a small forest. Our friends go fishing in this pond. The third pond is private. It is deep, so no one approaches it, not to fall into it.
We also have several bus stops and three shops – „Lewiatan”, „Konior” and „Bartek”.
Goświnowice is divided by us into several parts.
The first one is blocks. There is a small football pitch, shop, playground, of course a few blocks and entrance to the park. Then there are old blocks. There are garages and three old blocks – hence the name.
Later there is a „village” we give this name to the centre. There is a shop, several buildings, the church, a bus stop and a crossroad. Going from the store`s side there is a hill. We say this because you get up there. It is a street where there are only residential buildings. There is also a bench under a willow tree on which we often sit.
Then there is Kolejowa, the name comes from the street name. On Kolejowa Street there is a school, a football pitch, several houses and a train station.
The last but one is Nyska. There is a cemetery and several houses there.
The last one is Radzikowicka. In addition to the houses there is a stadium(visable in the picture), a culture village center and a playground. In the evenings we often go there to have a good time.