Why College Ministry?
My passion for working with college students sparked in 2011 during my time as a student volunteer with Cru at Florida International University in Miami, FL. Despite my excitement for college ministry at the time, it was not until July of 2019 that the Lord made it abundantly clear that I was to join Cru as a full time staff member. Leading up to this moment, however, I had the privilege of seeing the Lord not only continue to cultivate this desire within me but also bring alongside another passion of mine- getting to know students from different cultures from all around the world. Throughout this time of waiting on the Lord for guidance on how to combine my two passions, I was able to: serve college students in Turin, Italy by helping lead English clubs, participate in events with international student groups at Moody Bible Institute, and I had the joy of befriending many international students from all over the world as I attended Moody Theological Seminary.
What I will be doing:
Cru is a worldwide organization committed to making an eternal difference in people’s lives by giving each person in the world the opportunity to say “yes” to Jesus. I will be working with a branch within Cru called Bridges International. Bridges exists to serve and mobilize the international college student population in the USA. The objective is to share Christ’s love with the students who come from all over the world to study here in the U.S. I am excited to join Cru with Bridges International ministry in the most influential city of the world- Washington DC. DC is full of influential international students that will be impacting the governing bodies of the United States and globally. As a hispanic woman who grew up with exposure to cultures and diversity and who is passionate about bringing the Good News to all the nations, I am hopeful and confident that God will use that and will work through me every step of the way!
What I need:
I am looking for a team of people who will partner with me through prayer and financial giving in order to reach the students in Washington DC. My current need is to find individuals who will commit to praying and giving on a monthly/ quarterly/ annual basis. If the Lord places in your heart a desire to join my ministry, click here!
deborah.moreno@bridgesinternational.com (786-797-4454)