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2021 UCF McNair Scholars Program Academic advancement programs | student learning & academic success University of central florida

The UCF McNair Scholars Program, first funded in fall 2003, is designed to assist its participants in gaining admission to graduate programs leading to a doctoral degree. The program targets low-income and first-generation students and members of groups that are underrepresented in graduate education. McNair is funded by the U.S. Department of Education through its Office of Federal TRiO Programs. McNair, part of Academic Advancement Programs, has served over 200 students since 2003.

Message from the UCF McNair Staff:

Our McNair scholars and alumni have persevered and thrived despite one of the most difficult years in all of our lives. We could not be more proud of everything they have accomplished. Our first year scholars are a diverse, creative, and dedicated cohort. This summer, they will be delving into research at institutions across the nation, building their skills, and preparing for the next steps in their graduate preparation path. Our graduating seniors have demonstrated determination and resiliency beyond anything we imagined. We can say with certainty that each one of them is taking a step that will lead to a bright future. Most importantly, they walk together in a community of support that will last a lifetime. We have had the joy to see our alumni continue to strive for excellence, even under the most difficult of circumstances. One of the bright spots of this pandemic year, has been reconnecting more than ever with an alumni. We have had reunions, created on-going support systems, and have had the privilege to see many of them defend their dissertations and celebrate with them as they move on to their careers. As we move forward towards another academic year and prepare to write our next McNair Grant, we look back and think about the incredible scholars we have been able to serve, who we know will continue to change the world for the better. Thank you to all the family members, support systems, faculty, staff, and every single individual that has been part of supporting our scholars in this journey. And thank you to our scholars for allowing us to be part of their lives

Mensaje del Personal de UCF McNair:

Nuestros alumnos y exalumnos han perseverado y prosperado en lo que ha sido uno de los años más difíciles de nuestras vidas. No podríamos estar más orgullos de todos sus logros. Nuestros nuevos estudiantes son un grupo diverso, creativo, y dedicado. Este verano, empezarán a hacer investigaciones en varias universidades de la nación, aprendiendo, y preparándose para la escuela graduada. Nuestros estudiantes que recientemente se graduaron, demostraron una increíble determinación y resiliencia para superar obstáculos y sobresalir más de lo que imaginamos. Estamos seguros de que cada uno de ellos está tomando pasos que los llevaran a un futuro muy brillante. Aún más importante, ellos han creado una comunidad de apoyo que les durara por el resto des sus vidas. Este año tuvimos el placer de ver a nuestros exalumnos sobresalir, aun en las circunstancias más difíciles. Nos hemos reconectado con más exalumnos que nunca antes. Hemos tenido reuniones, creado sistemas de apoyo, y hemos visto a muchos de ellos defender sus tesis de doctorado, celebrando con ellos otra etapa en sus carreras. Mientras nos preparamos para otro año académico, y empezamos a escribir para una nuestra nueva competición de McNair, estamos pensando en los increíbles estudiantes que hemos podido servir, quienes sabemos tendrán un gran impacto positivo en el mundo. Gracias a las familias, sistemas de apoyo, profesores, personal universitario y cada persona que ha apoyado a nuestros estudiantes. Y gracias a nuestros estudiantes por permitirnos se parte de sus vidas

To our scholars and alumni - Remember, no matter where you are in your journey, your McNair family is always here to support you. We believe in you, always. You already make a positive difference in the world by being who you are, and we are so excited for everything that is to come. Keep on shinning and Go Knights!

McNair Graduates

Victoria Alexander

UCF Major: Interdisciplinary Studies

Pursuing a Ph.D. in Human Development at the University of Maryland at College Park

Honors & Fellowships: UMD College Park McNair Fellowship Recipient

Gillian Gomer

UCF Major: Biology

Pursuing a PhD. in Horticultural Biology at Cornell University

Honors & Fellowships: UCF Order of Pegasus Recipient

Daniela Gonzalez

UCF Major: Psychology

Pursuing a Ph.D. in Applied Social and Organizational Psychology at Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis

Honors & Fellowships: IUPUI Graduate Diversity Fellowship Recipient

Belinda Joseph

UCF Major: Mechanical Engineering

Pursuing a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University

Idel Martinez

UCF Major: Computer Science

Pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science Georgia Institute of Technology,

Bryan Medina

UCF Major: Computer Science and Mathematics

Pursuing a Ph.D. in Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Honors & Fellowships: NSF GRFP Recipient, UCF Order of Pegasus

Sandra Montenegro

UCF Major: Psychology

Pursuing a Masters in Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the University of Central Florida

Honors & Fellowships: UCF McNair Fellowship Recipient

Samuel Naranjo Rincon

UCF Major: Psychology

Attending a Clinical Post-baccalaureate Program at Indiana University

Honors & Fellowships: NSF GRFP Honorable Mention

Kelsey Perez

UCF Major: Civil Engineering

Pursuing a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology

Honors & Fellowships: NSF GRFP Recipient

Brittany Robaina-Caicedo

UCF Major: Biomedical Sciences & Latin American Studies

Pursuing a Ph.D. in Immunology from Weill Cornell

Awards & Fellowships: NSF GRFP Recipient

Ashley Santana

UCF Major: Biomedical Sciences & Biotechnology

Pursuing a Masters in Biotechnology at New York University

Awards & Fellowships: NSF GRFP Recipients

Stephanie Schreiner

UCF Major: Biotechnology

Pursuing a Ph.D. in Immunology at the University of Pennsylvania

Yamina Sfiat

UCF Major: Criminal Justice and Political Science

Pursuing Masters in Indigenous Studies at the University of Kansas

Tiffany Sidders

UCF Major: English

Pursuing a Masters in English at the University of Alabama

Fellowships & Honors: UA McNair Fellowship

Alan Trudeau

UCF Major: Chemistry

Pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemistry at the University of Colorado Boulder

Natalie Verdiguel

UCF Major: Psychology

Pursuing a Masters in Human Environment Relations at Cornell University

Fellowships & Honors: NSF GRFP Recipient



UCF McNair Alumni Completing Doctoral Degrees


2020-2021 UCF McNair Highlights

100% of Graduating Scholars Placed in Funded Post-Baccalaureate Programs

8 NSF GRFP Recipients (50% of all UCF Recipients) and 1 Honorable Mention

1 Goldwater Scholar

2 Order of Pegasus Recipients


Our scholars families and support systems

McNair Faculty Mentors

Our colleagues from institutions across the country who work closely with our program and support our students, particularly the following: Dr. Mandana Sassanfar (MIT), Dr. Don Brunson (Vanderbilt), Damon Williams (Northwestern), Anitra Douglas-McCarthy (Cornell), Dr. Amanda James (Emory), Dr. Vanessa Perez (Princeton), Dr. Arnaldo Diaz (UT Southwestern), Michael Flynn, and Dr. Robin Walker.

Dr. Laurie Pinkert and Emily Lapadura

Our Donors and Supporters

Kameron and Amanda Kaviani

The Division of Student Learning and Academic Success

The U.S. Department of Education

TRiO Works!

UCF McNair and AAP Staff

Michael Aldarondo-Jeffries, Director

Dr. Natalia Leal Toro, Assistant Director

Arlene Ollivierre, Coordinator

Colleen Smith, Advising and Digital Learning Coordinator

Alexandra Lyew, Graduate Assistant

Malkia Williams, Graduate Assistant

In loving memory of Malkia's outstanding contributions to the AAP family - to give to her fund, please go to: The Malkia Chitara Williams "Be The Evidence Scholarship"
