North Korea is being blessed!
North Korea is being blessed!
This is what I felt during this NDC.
While living in South Korea, I thought South Koreans were not interested in reunification at all. When people are discussing about the theme of reunification, the first thing that always comes to their mind was "how would it be beneficial to us if reunification occur?" It was funny and upsetting to discuss reunification centered around benefits. I hated and resented North Korea, the land where I was born and used to lived in. It made me suffer, but I felt sorry because it was isolated even without the sympathy of South Korea, from the same Korean race.
Nevertheless, the people I met in America changed my perspective. People of different background I met wherever I go showed a passionate love for North Korea, regardless of race or country. Some people are somehow related to North Korea, but most of them had nothing to do with the hermit kingdom. It was so fascinating to see people who are occupied with life responsibilities somehow have an area in their heart reserved for my homeland. Often I asked myself if I have ever tried to like North Korea like they do, despite being from the country.
I liked America. It was good; the land was vast and spacious. I had many delicious foods. I enjoyed the freedom of life in America and there were many I liked it because there were many fine-looking men too. But the main reason I liked America was its people. If the people I met were hostile to me, I will not like the American and perhaps, America would have remained an unpleasant memory to me, even if the rest were all good. The two weeks journey in the U.S. shined because of the people who were with us: they have even more beautiful heart than their appearance, and their behaviors outperform the facade of their homes and cars.
North Korea is truly being blessed. This is what I could feel because good people are pouring endless love for North Korea. I know that getting someone's cheer is a happy thing. North Korea is receiving that cheer. It is even fully cheered by God, the Creator of all things in the universe, who is the Master of this world. God has set up many people for North Korea, to deliver the story of North Korea(including my story) to the world and to give their hearts for North Korea.
Throughout this trip, I have gained assurance and conviction that I want to do something worthwhile in life. For me, something that is worthwhile is a heart-throbbing thing. What I have experienced as a heart-throbbing thing is when I was on the stage to tell people about North Korea, when I'm done writing about my hometown, and when someone reads it. I know there will be more worthwhile things I can do which I haven't experienced it yet.
I want to express my appreciation and give back to God, and all of those people, who love North Korea by doing worthwhile things. I want to live a life that contributes to keep God’s love flowing into the world. This is the vision I found throughout the trip to the US.