Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District Rockport, ME

"Our to provide assistance in the conservation of land & water resources for our community through proactive efforts, actions, & education since 1947”- Knox-Lincoln Conservation Service.


Poster Contest.
Test your knowledge
of Natural Resources.
& current environmental issues.

Teams consisting of 3-5 students compete first at a regional level, answering questions and solving hands-on problems at five stations: Wildlife, Aquatics, Forestry, Soils, and a Current Natural Resource Issue.

The 2017 Current Issue topic is Agricultural Soil and Water Conservation Stewardship

Envirothon Registration Form

The top finishing teams from each Regional Envirothon

then compete at the State Finals

May 25th!

At the Larrabee Farm in Knox.

Read "Me" Agriculture.

View a postcard series! : Knox-Lincoln Conservation District.


"In 2011, for every dollar Knox-Lincoln received from the Knox-Lincoln counties, provided more than $3.35 worth of services. In addition to the funding we receive from the state and counties, the District meets its budget through like minded proceeds". -Knox-Lincoln Conservation District.

Knox-Lincoln Conservation District strives to "accomplish this through the delivery of specialized assistance towards education (K-12 and Adult) by bringing together educators with students from Knox and Lincoln county schools for a day of exploring conservation topics, environmental issues, live animals and farming to uncover the connections between the environment and their everyday lives".

-Conservation Day!-

Knox-Lincoln strides in promoting "sustainable use of natural resources and have been fulfilling our mission of conserving land and water resources since 1947" through volunteer efforts, members, partnerships, and much more, all according to Knox-Lincoln Conservation District.



Created with images by Capecodprof - "trout fish aquarium" • robertcg - "fish trout fishing rod" • jarmoluk - "old books book old" • Pexels - "hands macro plant"


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