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January 2020 @BVNLibrary The semester started with a flash. Literally, we were running. A zillion classes, 3D design, and breakout. Read on to learn more.

Library Checkout

We served 35 classes in the first 2 days of the semester. Almost all ELA classes came to check out books for independent reading!

Geography Breakout

Latin Mythology in 3D

Students in Mr. Marx's Latin 1 classes studied and researched mythological creatures. They learned to use TinkerCAD to begin 3D designing a creature of their choosing. Students also reflected on the juxtaposition of the classics with the modern technology of 3D design and printing.

AP Physics 2

Students in Mrs. Prakash's AP Physics 2 researched and wrote a formal research paper about particle accelerators. Students selected an area of science where particle accelerators are used and researched current and future uses.

AP Lit

Students in AP Lit began the research paper process by learning about the intricacies of peer reviewed sources by playing everyone's favorite game! A quiz using clues to determine if a source is peer reviewed.
Created By
Abby Cornelius


Created with images by Ed Robertson - "Captured on Portobello Road, London" • Paul Schafer - "Read Between the Lines" • ZMorph Multitool 3D Printer - "ZMorph VX Multitool 3D Printer" • William Iven - "scrabble tiles and smartphone"


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