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Alise Perault Program Associate at The National Willa Cather Center

The National Willa Cather Center is an arts and cultural center that serves as a living memorial to renowned writer, Willa Cather. The Center occupies Red Cloud’s historic “Moon Block,” an 1887 structure that was fully restored in 2017 through a $7 million project that created revitalized space for a new archive, museum, and bookstore, as well as street-level retail spaces and loft apartments.

Alise Perault joined the Willa Cather Foundation team as program associate in 2021. She has a master’s degree in historic preservation studies from Boston University and a bachelor’s in art history from the University of Nebraska at Kearney. In between earning her degrees, Alise worked as a visitor services associate at the Molly Brown House Museum in Denver, Colorado, where she acquired her enthusiasm for history-making females and historic house museums. As program associate, Alise helps to promote the arts at the National Willa Cather Center and Red Cloud Opera House through the planning, coordination, and execution of performances, exhibits, guided tours, and virtual and in-person programs. When she is not at work, Alise loves antiquing, listening to true crime podcasts, and exploring small Nebraska towns and historic cemeteries.

What is your favorite thing about Red Cloud?

I couldn’t possibly choose one favorite thing about Red Cloud. As a historic preservationist, I first fell in love with Red Cloud because of the architecture on main street and all of its lovely old homes. I still have to pinch myself every time I walk around town to make sure I really am still living in a place with so much extant historical architecture. The legacy of the town as the place Willa Cather lived and the place that inspired her work is another aspect that keeps me excited about living here. But it is the residents of Red Cloud that really mean the most to me. I have met so many wonderful people who I wouldn’t trade for the world. My sincerest gratitude to all of you who have made Red Cloud home to me!

Perault in front of the Cather Selfie Spot located in the American Bittersweet Exhibit next to the Willa Cather Bookstore in the National Willa Cather Center

You’re the Program Associate at the National Willa Cather Center. What made you decide to work with the Willa Cather Foundation in Red Cloud? What’s a busy day at work like for you?

Back in the summer of 2020 I did a remote internship with the National Willa Cather Center. Despite not actually being there in person, I attended meetings over Zoom on a daily basis, and because of that I felt like I was able to get to know everyone at the NWCC and get a feel for the work culture. I loved working with everyone virtually, so when the position of program associate became available, I knew I had to apply. As the nation’s largest collection of nationally-designated historic sites dedicated to an American author with a mission to promote Willa Cather’s legacy through education, preservation, and the arts, the NWCC couldn’t have matched up more perfectly with my studies in art history and historic preservation and my interests in literature and women who made history. Part of my job involves giving tours, so a busy day at work involves me giving two or three tours in addition to the work I do to coordinate our Red Cloud Opera House performances and gallery shows. Days when there is a show to hang in the gallery or there is an event in the Opera House are the busiest days, but they only happen about once or twice a month.

What’s a busy day at work like for you?

Part of my job involves giving tours, so a busy day at work involves me giving two or three tours in addition to the work I do to coordinate our Red Cloud Opera House performances and gallery shows. Days when there is a show to hang in the gallery or there is an event in the Opera House are the busiest days, but they only happen about once or twice a month

As a historic preservationist, I first fell in love with Red Cloud because of the architecture on main street and all of its lovely old homes. I still have to pinch myself every time I walk around town to make sure I really am still living in a place with so much extant historical architecture.

What are some of your favorite businesses to shop at in Red Cloud? Why?

My two favorite places to shop - and the two places I blow way too much of my paycheck at - are The Corner Nook and On the Brix. Y’all take such good care of me! Also big shoutout to everyone at Hometown Market, Subway, and Village Pharmacy for keeping me alive and everyone at the Webster County Historical Museum, Webster County Courthouse, and Auld Public Library for keeping me satiated in my pursuit of knowledge!

Is there anything you wish people knew about National Willa Cather Center?

If people don’t know already, I would want people in the area to know how rad it is that we have the National Willa Cather Center in this little corner of Nebraska. I am probably a little biased, but I have really only been working for the NWCC for about nine months, and I felt this way long before I moved here. It truly blows my mind that a town the size of Red Cloud has a place filled with such history and that offers exposure to the arts and humanities through Opera House shows, gallery exhibitions, author talks, and annual spring conferences. I’m from Columbus, a town twenty times the size of Red Cloud, and we didn’t have anything near the caliber of the National Willa Cather Center. It’s so easy to take for granted the things that are right here in your backyard (I am very guilty of this at times), but I would encourage everyone to be a “tourist” in your own town!

It truly blows my mind that a town the size of Red Cloud has a place filled with such history and that offers exposure to the arts and humanities through Opera House shows, gallery exhibitions, author talks, and annual spring conferences. I’m from Columbus, a town twenty times the size of Red Cloud, and we didn’t have anything near the caliber of the National Willa Cather Center. It’s so easy to take for granted the things that are right here in your backyard (I am very guilty of this at times), but I would encourage everyone to be a “tourist” in your own town!
Perault (R) with fellow Willa Cather Foundation employees Rachel Olsen (Education Coordinator) and Tracy Tucker (Education Director/Archivist)

What has been the most memorable moment about your Red Cloud experience thus far?

The experience that sticks out in my mind is this year’s Streetcar Days parade. I got to walk with all the kids who took part in the Missoula Children’s Theatre production of Sleeping Beauty. I was really struck by how many faces I knew when I looked out into the crowd, and how many of them smiled and waved back at me. I had only been here for about six months at that point and felt overwhelmed by the outpouring of kindness I had received from this community and how quickly I was able to feel like a part of it.

If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?

I wish I could apparate. For those who have not read the Harry Potter books or seen the movies, it is basically teleportation. It would make it so much easier to visit my friends and family in other towns and cities and would allow me to make much quicker work of checking off places on my travel bucket list like Monowi, the Nebraska town with a population of one, and the Duckpin Bowling Alley in Potter, NE.

Do you have any hobbies or interests you’d like to share?

I don’t know how to say this in a concise way, other than to say that I love exploring. I love finding hidden gems and things that are “off the beaten path,” whether that be a cemetery, an abandoned house, a country church, or a “World’s Largest Such and Such.” I have lists of places I want to go saved in my Google Maps with themes like “Historic Carousels,” “WPA Post Offices,” and “Author Homes.” No matter where I go, I can pull up my Google Maps on my phone and see if there is something cool to see where I am at. I never cease to be amazed by how many cool things you can find if you just do a little searching!

Some of the places Perault has explored recently. Pictured in the left column from top to bottom: Mt. Sunflower, the highest Point in Kansas; an abandoned home near the Home on the Range Cabin in Smith County, KS; an old advertisement on a building in downtown Aurora, NE. Pictured in the right column from top to bottom: an abandoned home in rural Kansas; a view from the Rock City trail along Wilson Reservoir in Kansas; the Baldplate Inn near Estes Park, CO; the Kit Carson County Carousel in Burlington, CO; a limestone house in Cawker City, KS; "the Narrows" at Zion National Park in Utah; the Stockholm Lutheran Church and Swedish Cemetery outside of Shickley, NE.

Do you have any pets?

Unfortunately I do not, but I have a canine brother that my empty-nester parents recently adopted who I absolutely adore. He is a black standard poodle, and his name is Bosco.


What’s the last show you binge watched? Do you have a podcast you’d like to recommend?

I am embarrassed to admit that I don’t really watch TV or shows on streaming platforms, but I do spend a whole lot of time watching videos on YouTube. Business Insider has a series of videos that I have been hooked on lately called “Still Standing” which document artisans all over the world who are keeping dying artforms alive, like a 200-year-old tile-making business in Egypt or a family’s 300-year-old candle making tradition in Mexico. If you enjoy true crime, aliens, and/or cryptids, I would highly recommend Last Podcast on the Left, and if you like the haunted or the unexplainable you must listen to the podcast Spooked.

What would your high school teachers or guidance counselor say about you if we asked?

They would probably say that I was very creative, engaged, and a good student. That is all fine, but if I could go back in time I would focus more on just being a kid/teenager and less on trying to get good grades. I regret not having an angsty teenage stage. Lol.

What are you most proud of?

I’m most proud of where I have gotten on my journey of embracing myself and loving who I am. Most people who know me now probably wouldn’t have guessed it, but I was very shy as a child and had almost no self-confidence. I had a lot of body insecurity and always felt kind of like an outsider. Today I would say some of my defining characteristics are my confidence, my outgoing nature, my fashion sense, and my ability to make friends with strangers wherever I go. It took a lot of work to become who I am, and I am so proud to be here!

Do you have a mantra or mission statement you live by?

YOLO! (You only live once!)

Perault giving a tour of the Willa Cather Childhood Home

What historical figure or celebrity would you most like to have dinner with? Why?

Freddy Mercury, mostly because I want to have a karaoke night together.

If there is anyone out there interested in starting up a community theatre group, let me know! There are so many people in Red Cloud who I would love to get together and perform with!

Do you have any advice for someone looking to relocate to rural Nebraska?

As someone who lived in large cities and then relocated to rural Nebraska myself, I would say you are going to definitely miss some of the conveniences of big(ger) city life, but if you keep an open mind and focus on what you gain - tight-knit community, people making eye contact with you and saying “hi” on the street, slower pace of life, lower cost of living, open space to roam, small-town bars, etc. - you will quickly feel right at home. I think moving back to rural Nebraska as a single person like I did has its own set of challenges. For that I would recommend trying not to drive to Omaha every weekend and instead staying in town and going out to meet people at the local restaurants or bars. Getting involved in community organizations like the historic preservation commission is also really helpful.

What is your favorite song and/or recording artist?

I know it’s not the answer to the actual question, but my favorite album right now is Vampire Weekend’s Father of the Bride.

As someone who lived in large cities and then relocated to rural Nebraska myself, I would say you are going to definitely miss some of the conveniences of big(ger) city life, but if you keep an open mind and focus on what you gain - tight-knit community, people making eye contact with you and saying “hi” on the street, slow

What is your dream vacation?

I would love to visit Japan. Japan apparently has the highest vending machine per capita in the world, and you can find some very unique items in them like hot food, canned bread, and mystery boxes. Their 7-11’s are also way better than 7-11’s here in the U.S., and you could eat ten different things there every day of the week and still not have tried everything. Japan also has an amazing thrift shopping scene, and while I wouldn’t fit into anything there, I would just love to go into their thrift stores for the experience alone. I of course would also want to visit some temples and shrines, walk through some gardens, and maybe even visit Japan’s rabbit island Okunoshima.

What’s your favorite place to visit in Nebraska?

There are still so many places in Nebraska that I want to visit, but a recent favorite trip I took was to Brownville down in the southeast corner of Nebraska along the Missouri River. I think it has a population of about 100 people or so, and despite lacking most amenities like a gas station or a convenience store, they have multiple museums, an art gallery, a couple of boutique stores, and a theatre with a regular performance schedule and concert series in the summer. The town has a unique history too. It was the largest town in the Nebraska Territory when it was established in 1854, and it was an important port on the Missouri River until the transcontinental railroad came through Omaha in the 1860s.

Who has been the biggest influence in your life? Explain why.

Well, my parents have been an influence on me for the last 28 years, so I would say the sheer volume of their influence far surpasses any influence anyone else has had in my life thus far. I get my love of history and exploring abandoned places from my dad, and I am always singing a song or doing something creative just like my mom. They always encouraged me to be myself and to dream big and I know that is a huge reason why I am who I am today.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

If there is anyone out there interested in starting up a community theatre group, let me know! There are so many people in Red Cloud who I would love to get together and perform with!

Perault with her friend Michaela and Michaela's dog, Huck


Alise Perault and Lorene Jacobsen