It is sad to say it, but Homecoming Week's peak has already passed. Sure, the dance is coming up on Saturday. But Spirit Bus will forever and always be the best part of the week. A school day filled with visiting and spreading Raptor pride to other schools is the day to miss. A day filled with laughter and high fives. A day to remember and pass on to Eaglecrest's feeder schools.
Ignite Raptor Spirit
If you have been to a Cherry Creek Schools elementary or middle school you know the feeling of sitting in anticipation for the high school spirit bus. I remember sitting in the hallways and pounding the ground chanting, “E-H-S.” I remember hearing the band start to play and everyone screaming, “Hey, baby / who ha.” I remember pleading to the high schoolers with my wide eyes to get a pompom and subsequently bragging to my friends when my begging worked.
Raptors perform the "Party" chant fresh off of the Spirit Bus at Peakview Elementary School (Jeremy Garza).
Spirit Bus to Remember
For many at Eaglecrest - students and staff alike - we pride ourselves on school spirit. And there is no better exemplification of this spirit than our Spirit Bus. A fixture of Homecoming Week, spirit bus is an opportunity to showcase our school’s very best: in academics, activities, and athletics. Undoubtedly, it’s an impactful event for everyone involved.
Participants in the spirit bus, like senior Aaron Frimpong (center) bring Raptor pride to Eaglecrest's feeder schools on the day-long trip on October 5th (Simone Beauchamp)