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May 2021 @BVNLibrary After such a long year, it seemed like it ended so quickly. lessons, activities, and learning continued in the library through the last day of school! Read on to learn more.

Lit Circles

Many ELA classes this year opted to work in literature circles rather than studying the same novel as an entire class. This allowed more choice for students and allowed us to provide even more reader's advisory. Some classes had lit circles that focused on books by the same author, some had small groups reading the same book, and some circles focused on books that were connected through cultures or topics. Many of these circles contributed to the final project in these ELA classes.

Final Senior Research

Students in Mr. McCoy's HELA 10 classes started a final research project. This project was inspired by a piece written by clipping called "The Deep". Students analyzed the piece and used it as inspiration for their own narrative work. Each student researched elements of interest and incorporated them in their narrative in the style of clipping. To hear this inspirational piece, click below.


Students in Sociology came to the library to compete in a digital breakout game while Mrs. Wiese's Chem classes competed in teams in our first physical breakout game of the year! The game was hard but the teams managed to break out! Naturally, the victors are rewarded Smarties!


We finally got to eliminate our battle ship of a circulation desk! Contractors removed the desk on May 14th and finished all in one day! This provides WAY more space for students and is a very welcome upgrade.

AP Study Party

AP Lang and AP Psych students prepared for upcoming tests with us. Students needed to download software and used library database to prepare. AP Psych students were lucky enough to start with an egg hunt (complete with candy) and then sat down to sort through the clues they found in their eggs.

AVID 11 College Fair

Students in AVID 11 spent time researching their colleges of choice and created materials to host their own college fair. They invited students from other classes and did an awesome job acting as admissions officers and spreading their knowledge of the college and universities that they studied.

Algebra 2

The year ended with one of our favorite projects, the Algebra 2 Catapult Project. Students constructed their own catapults out of odds and ends that we collected for them. The catapult needed to accurately launch a ping pong ball.

After completing the catapults, students used videos imported into Logger Pro to analyze the path of the ping pong ball and create a quadratic regression model for their catapult.

Students used the quadratic regression to predict where the ball would land if the catapult was elevated to a table top. They used this number to place a bullseye during the competition. We got a few bulls-eyes but the highest total score for all classes competing was 11 points.

A Sad Goodbye

Lisa did so much for so many students in our building. Her days were full of caring for kids, getting them the answers and materials they needed, and providing them with meaningful opportunities to see a friendly face with genuine care and concern for them. We'll miss her so much as her position was eliminated, but we wish her well in the future. We love Lisa!

Created By
abby cornelius


Created with images by Cparks - "graduation future university" • moritz320 - "book read literature" • jarmoluk - "apple book still life"
