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Week 5: Notable Alumni Week

This week, we will close out HBCU Month with notable alumni that have authored a book. These books be will housed in The Prezell R. Robinson Library for our current and future scholars. This special collection is dubbed "The Falcon Pen".

We also have a Notable Alumni web page.

Written by Falcons!

Book Covers from Falcon Pen Authors

Week 4: SAU Academic Excellence Week

At Saint Augustine's University, we pride ourselves on providing the best education possible for the Falcons that come through our gates. That's why this week, we are celebrating academic excellence at SAU.

See how SAU's academic programs #ExceedExpectations!

Honors College within the School of General Studies

Starting with the School of General Studies. The School of General Studies mission is to provide an environment in which diverse learners can achieve academically, socially and spiritually to become 21st century leaders.

School of Business, Management, & Technology (SBMT)

School of Science, Mathematics, & Public Health (SSMPH)

School of Humanities, Education, Social & Behavioral Sciences (SHESBS)

Week 3: Class Week

Currently, we have the classes of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024, who has the most Falcon Pride? Let's find out at the end!

Week 2: Falcon Pride

That Falcon Pride!

The Blue Chips Cheerleading Squad and Superior Sound Marching Band is the core of our Falcon Spirit.

SAU Blue Chips
Sapphire Dream Band Dancers

Homecoming Highlights

The pinnacle of Falcon Pride, The Blue and White Experience (BWE) Homecoming. Falcons from all over converge on campus for a week-long bash!

We came, we SOARED!

Let's not forget our sports teams, a huge source of FALCON PRIDE.

Week 1: SAU Chapel

The Saint Augustine's Chapel

The Saint Augustine's Chapel was built by students with rock quarried on the campus grounds and completed in 1895. The first service was conducted during Christmas time. The Reverend Henry Beard Delany, who became Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina and vice principal, led the construction of this building as a teacher of carpentry and masonry. To this day the Chapel is the focal point on campus for spiritual wellness and enrichment.

Saint Augustine of Hippo

Saint Augustine is one of the most famous and influential theologians and writers of Western Christianity. He was a strong supporter of the poor and a defender of orthodox Christianity. His autobiographical work Confessions is a classic of western literature, and provides inspiration to anyone who strives to live a virtuous life. Augustine’s writings describe our dependency on God for the grace to live a holy life, and express our human longing for God. He states, “You arouse us so that praising you may bring us joy, because you have made us and drawn us to yourself, and our heart is unquiet until it rests in you” (Confessions, Book 1).

Recent Chapel News

Phase One of the Saint Augustine’s Chapel Restoration and Preservation Complete.

Related Events

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Race & The Justice System Forum

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This event will be live-streamed on our official Facebook page.

2020 HBCU Week Conference

September 20 - 26

First Ever Virtual HBCU Week and Conference

Virtual Launch of the Pan-African Heritage World Museum

September 21 at 11 a.m.
