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april is child abuse prevention month An in-depth look from the Cabell County Family Resource Network

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, April 1, 2021

CONTACT: Debra Harris-Bowyer, Cabell County Family Resource Network Coordinator | P: 304.697.0255 | E:

CONTACT: Kaylin R. Staten, Hourglass Media | P: 304.900.2833 | E:

Cabell County FRN promoting #goodbeginnings this April during Child Abuse Prevention Month

HUNTINGTON — Approximately one to seven children experience abuse and/or neglect, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, which is a chance to raise awareness and prevent child abuse. This April, Cabell County Family Resource Network (FRN) is participating in national events while informing the public of local resources via social media and to help prevent child abuse and neglect.

“Our goal for Child Abuse Prevention Month is to promote great and healthy childhoods for all children in Cabell County and beyond,” said Debra Harris-Bowyer, Cabell County FRN coordinator. “All of us can do something to strengthen and support children, families and our communities, whether it’s to participate in an upcoming event, donate time or resources to a local organization or advocate for policies and programs. This year’s theme centers on growing a better tomorrow for all children -- together. We encourage you to get involved with child abuse prevention efforts and advocacy during the month of April. All children deserve to have a wonderful life, from birth onward. All of us have a role in building their futures and giving families and caregivers the support they need.”

Parents and caregivers can aid to prevent child abuse and give their children a great childhood. Following Cabell County FRN’s six tips to a #goodbeginning is one way parents and caregivers can fight against child abuse and encourage positive relationships and interactions. These tips are:

  1. Understand how a child grows and develops.
  2. Help a child identify his or her feelings.
  3. Spend caring “quality” time with them.
  4. Be strong in times of stress.
  5. Have positive relationships of parents helping parents.
  6. Know how to find help when you need it.

To commence Child Abuse Prevention Month, Cabell County FRN and Prevent Child Abuse America will recognize April 1, 2021, as Wear Blue Day. Wear Blue Day encourages individuals to wear blue to show your support in preventing child abuse. Take a picture of yourself and/or others wearing blue this April 1 and beyond and share it on social media using the hashtags #WearBlueDay2021, #wearblueforWVkids and #CAPmonth.

Cabell County FRN is also participating in the Week of the Young Child (WOYC) from April 10 to April 16. WOYC is a chance to focus on the needs of children and their families and to share educational services and resources that can help fulfill those needs.

This year’s WOYC agenda is:

  • Kickoff Saturday
  • Music Monday
  • Tasty Tuesday
  • Work Together Wednesday
  • Artsy Thursday
  • Family Friday

To aid its mission and cultivate your own pinwheel garden, Cabell County FRN is currently raising funds and awareness through its Flower Power fundraiser. With this fundraiser, you can buy a variety of plants and get them shipped right to your doorstep — just in time for spring. To get more information on this fundraiser, visit our website here and order anytime before May 15.

In addition to the six tips for parents and caregivers, Cabell FRN offers a free resource guide with information and resources on promoting #goodbeginnings, which can be located here:

Resources on Cabell County FRN’s website also includes the following information:

  • How to grow a healthy baby
  • What to ask your doctor
  • How your young child grows
  • How your baby learns
  • Where you can go if you don’t know the answers
  • Where to find local resources
  • And more!

Get access to this information and more at: Learn more about Child Abuse Prevention Month at

The Cabell County Family Resource Network (FRN) is a partnership of individuals, families and agencies working together to promote the well-being of children and families in Cabell County. Since its incorporation in September 1993, the Cabell County FRN has brought together a broad-based representation of partners, including business representatives, consumers, and service providers from health, education, housing, and social services. These partners are critical to improving the well-being of our families and children. The Cabell County FRN envisions a coordinated, community-based social service system responsive to the needs of families and effective in enhancing the success of individuals and families to responsibly achieve their goals.

Some Essential Information:


Photos from, Hourglass Media, Prevent Child Abuse America, Children's Bureau,

Created By Hourglass Media

Created By
Hourglass Media


Photos by Cabell County Family Resource Network, Hourglass Media, and others.
