The Igbo village of Nigeria is located in southern Nigeria, which is also known as Igboland. They are the second largest group of people living in southern Nigeria.
Economic/Political Background
People in Igbo haven't had a good leadership in the past. Their leaders are "intimidated by intellect" which has given them bad leaders in the past. The people of Igboland haven't been govern properly which is why they are asking for better leaders. Since they do not have a proper leaders they make desicions together based upon the towns needs.
Most of the semi-tropical rain forest region in the southern part of Nigeria share similar climate conditions, though the south is usually milder than in the north. There are mainly two seasons, wet and dry. The rainy reasons last from April to October and consist of heavy humidity and strong rain falls. While the dry season lasts from November to April, consisting of strong winds that last a few days or even a week. Many people arrive in Igbo after the dry season, because they believe the rain will flush away sicknesses.
Traditional Accommodation
Tradition living or accommodations will most likely be at a hotel, located in Enugu, which is located on Igboland. Enugu has over 49 hotels and many more guest houses within its premises. Though no international hotel chains are represented in this area, most hotels do comply with international standards and are comfortable enough for a pleasant stay. The rates are not expensive compared to the bigger cities.
Cultural Norms
Title Holding is an enviable Position In Igbo Land; Igbo title holders hold a highly respected position in the Igbo community and all over the world, partly because of their accomplishments and capabilities. Though never revered as kings, they often performed special functions given to them by the communities and such assemblies. They are seen as part of the customary and governing system in the umunna setting and in the entire communities. This way of governing was immensely different from most other communities of Western Africa, and only shared by the Ewe of Ghana. Umunna are a form of patrilineage maintained by the Igbos. Law starts with the Umunna which is a male line of descent from a founding ancestor (who the line is sometimes named after) with groups of compounds containing closely related families headed by the eldest male member. The Umunna can be seen as the most important pillar of Igbo society.
The Igbos have a very rich culture comprising peculiar ways of dressing, dancing, respect for elders and the gods of the land to food, music, and language dialects. Because of their various subgroups, the variety of their culture is heightened further.
Traditional entertainment includes storytelling,rituals,dancing,and music making. Mordern forms of entertainment includes watching television and going to movies and discos. Most households own radios, and there are several televison sets in each village. The Igbo enjoy games, including card games and checkers. Among the younger people American youth culture is popular. Most enjoy listening to rap and rock music. There isn't much to do outside of Igboland, so therefore they choose to do most things inside there village with their other villagers.
Living Conditions
Village lif in Igbo has changed considerably since the discovery of oil in Nigeria. Houses, which used to have mud walls and thatched roofs, are now constructed of cement blocks with corrugated iron roofs. Electricity has been introduced; television sets and radios are now commonplace. Villages have running water, although it is not connected to every house.
- "Everyone was so nice"
- "The weather was okay, but not the best"
- "The culture was very intriguing"
- "I learned so much from my journey in Igbo"
- "Everyone was so active and uplifting"
"CGTN Africa." Twitter, 2016, https://mobile.twitter.com/cgtnafrica/status/794056593704964096.
Froiland, Andrew. "Igbo People." Africa Guide, 2017, https://www.africaguide.com/culture/tribes/ibo.htm.
"Igbo." Countries and their Cultures, Advameg. Inc., 2017, http://www.everyculture.com/wc/Mauritania-to-Nigeria/Igbo.html.
"Igbo Culture and Tradition." Igbo Council of Traditional Title Holders USA, Inc., http://icotthusa.org/content/igbo-culture-and-tradition.
Imgarcad.com, https://www.pinterest.com/pin/131026670384769250/.
Mogck, Bergen. "Igbo." Thinklink, 2015, https://www.thinglink.com/scene/642793463405872130.
"Photos of an Igbo Village Built in Virginia, USA." Nairaland Forum, akksplendor, http://www.nairaland.com/2691421/photos-igbo-village-built-virginia.
"What is Igbo Traditional Clothing." Ask Naij, https://ask.naij.com/literature/what-is-igbo-traditional-clothing-i25316.html.
Widjaja, Michael. "Enugu Hotels." IgboGuide.com, 2016, https://www.igboguide.org/HT-hotels.htm.
Widjaja, Michael. "Weather." IgboGuide.com,2016, https://www.igboguide.org/HT-chapter2.htm.
By: Divya Rapur