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Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation (MAC) brings together and represents our lands five custodial Ngarda Ngarli; Ngarluma, Yindjibarndi, Yaburara, Mardudhunera, and Wong-Goo-Tt-Oo. Our strategy is to work closely as the traditional Ngarda Ngarli to maintain cohesion and to ensure our programs and outcomes reflect the needs of our community. MAC's mission is to preserve and protect our land, heritage and culture while transforming the lives of our community.

Dear MAC Members,

After a few months of hard work this year by staff, the Elders, the Board and some of our members, I am extremely proud to see how far MAC has recently progressed as an effective and innovative corporation.

Foremost, MAC has recently restructured parts of the business and staffing in response to our fast-paced progress, growth and in preparation for upcoming works. Congratulations to all with current and new roles, it required strategic input from many and was a team effort. The benefits and results are already starting to show as we become more efficient and effective in day-to-day operations and the management of different bodies of work.

Murujuga Commercial Limited (MCL) is also up and running and making good ground in its final stages of set up and its first projects.

The Business and Employment Development Unit has also successfully started working closely with a number of new partners to provide work and training to our members and is fast becoming a key community engagement platform with members and industry partners.

And an important reminder to all, as we start to see the change in season on country and in the weather, our annual influx of tourists and visitors will start to arrive. Australia and the world are still in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and we must remain vigilant and follow safe hygiene and social distancing practices to stay healthy and safe.

Together we can look after each other and stay as safe as possible.

Ngayintharri gumawarni ngurrangga.


Peter Jeffries

CEO, Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation

MAC Staffing Restructure

As MAC continues to progress, we have taken the opportunity to restructure the business and ensure we are properly staffed to be efficient and effective in achieving our strategic corporate objectives.

Reporting to the CEO Peter Jeffries, the executive team has changed the job titles of three positions due to the development of roles and duties.

  • Tui Magner – Corporate Services Manager is now General Manager
  • Sanoj Xavier – Senior Finance Officer is now Chief Financial Officer
  • Brian Wall – Murujuga Land & Sea Unit Manager is now Ranger Services Manager

Travis McNaught as Project Director Murujuga Tourism Program and Amy Stevens as World Heritage Officer, continue in their current roles in the executive team.

New positions assisting the executive team include;

  • Executive Assistant (supporting the CEO, Chair and Board)
  • Implementation Officer
  • Administration Assistant for MAC Memberships
  • Finance Assistant (part-time)
  • Rock Art Strategy Coordinator (fixed-term)
  • Business & Employment Liaison Officer

MAC is confident the restructure and change in roles will benefit the company and we look forward to successfully recruiting excellent candidates in each role that has not already been filled, as we embark on this next chapter.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison welcomed on country

MAC was honoured to meet with Prime Minister Scott Morrison last week and welcomed him on country as he toured Karratha to view Yara Pilbara’s future Renewable Hydrogen project site.

The Renewable Hydrogen project between Yara Pilbara and global energy company ENGIE has been successful in receiving $995,000 funding from Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to conduct feasibility studies around the design of a “green” hydrogen plant. This means it’s produced sustainably with no carbon dioxide or other toxic emissions, along with CO2-free ammonia.

Yara Pilbara and MAC have been successfully working together to find new ways for industry to carefully protect our local heritage and culture and meaningfully engage with MAC to ensure positive outcomes for all involved.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison with MAC and Yara representatives.

Circle of Elders visit to Dampier Salt Limited

Our Circle of Elders visited Dampier Salt Limited (DSL) recently to reconnect with rock art along the local valley. This visit represented an important step in working towards sharing the history and renaming of the highly significant heritage sites within the Dampier Salt lease. This was the first time the Circle of Elders have ever visited an industrial operation.

Pansy Hicks, Lawrence Kerr, Tootsie Daniel, Jimmy Horace, Peter Cooper, Poppa Tim Douglas and Tim’s daughter Lorice attended and were joined by MAC Chairperson Vince Adams and Cultural Advisor Patrick Churnside.

Poppa Tim sung and clapped songlines until the group stopped adjacent to Mulga Art. He had been teaching a particular songline sighted there to loremakers and this was the first time he had seen the pictorial form in real life.

‘It’s real, it’s real!’ he exclaimed with passion and belief.

For MAC and the Circle of Elders, this trip was a significant milestone towards the removal of barriers to enable access and preservation, protection and sharing of our country and culture for future generations. We are delighted that our Elders found such joy in visiting and sharing their stories and are excited for the new future we are working to create with Dampier Salt Limited.

Members of the Circle of Elders, MAC and DSL staff at Dampier Salt Limited to view the site's important rock art.

Senator Sue Lines tours Murujuga National Park

Senator Sue Lines and her team accompanied opposition Leader Anthony Albanese to Karratha recently to learn about Murujuga culture and heritage and meet some the MAC team. MAC Rangers escorted the group on country to tour Murujuga National Park and see some of our ancient rock art. They then boarded the Murujuga Land & Sea Unit patrol boat ‘Topaz’ for the first sea patrol of the season.

Patrolling some of the local islands on the Dampier Archipelago, the group visited potential locations for the puerulus trapping trials scheduled for late April 2021, which is a project in partnership with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).

Senator Sue Lines and Murujuga Rangers onboard the Murujuga Land & Sea Unit patrol boat ‘Topaz’ for the first sea patrol of the season.

World Heritage Update

The Heritage Committee met on the 9 March 2021 and the Interagency Taskforce met on 19 February 2021 to receive an update on the progress of the World Heritage Nomination Dossier as we continue to progress our nomination for World Heritage List.

At the next World Heritage Committee meeting, the Committee will begin reviewing draft chapters of the Nomination Dossier.

For the first time since COVID-19, interstate members of the Heritage Committee were able to attend the Heritage Committee meeting in person rather than via video conference. For World Heritage Advisor Terry Bailey, it was a relief to be on Murujuga country for the first time in nearly a year due to Coronavirus restrictions!

The Heritage Committee also received their new World Heritage Committee shirts commissioned by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).

The World Heritage Committee will be attending several key upcoming events including the FeNaClNG festival to proactively engage with the community and provide further information and advice regarding the nomination process and its progress to date. Come and have a chat if you see them!

Ranger Program

The rangers have recently participated in a range of events including ANZAC Day events, Youth Week at Hearsons Cove, Culture Day at Baynton West Primary School, staff development workshops and a cultural exchange workshop.

Our Rangers at MAC headquarters with staff from Baynton West Primary School as part of a staff development day.

Events provide rangers with opportunities to educate and inform our community members about the importance of protecting heritage, land and culture – and for the children at these events, the focus is on providing an interesting introduction to cultural awareness and animated discussions on animals, plants, bush medicine and hunting tools.

The rangers have also assisted with the management of MLSU vessel hires to help conduct surveys and projects whilst continuing with their regular duties, monitoring and checks. In addition, the cooler weather in March and April has seen an increase in visitors to Ngarjali and its rock art tours and cultural training which the rangers facilitate.

A number of training and upskilling courses (mostly as part of the rangers Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management) have been completed, including a quad bike course, animal trapping training, weed identification and chemical handling training.

Business & Employment Development Unit (BEDU)

The Business and Employment Development Unit (BEDU) recently attended a Woodside stakeholder meeting in Perth to initiate potential partnerships and contacts arising in the near future.

Working to assist MAC relevant members and business with industry partnerships and opportunities, the BEDU is available for employment and business support and queries.

Click here to contact Carly Blackney, Business & Employment Liaison Officer.

Attendees at the Woodside stakeholder meeting in Perth.

Business After Hours event

The Karratha & Districts Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KDCCI) partnered with MAC, Yara, Pilbara Regiment and KBSS Engineering to host a very successful Business After Hours event on 31 March 2021 with over 220 local business personnel attending.

We’d like to say a huge thanks to Yara for inviting us to join them in hosting this event and to everyone involved in making is such a memorable evening.

MAC CEO Peter Jeffries and Project Director Travis McNaught presented an update on many of MAC’s current projects and initiatives, and the BEDU team used the opportunity to network with local businesses and discuss future opportunities for MAC members.

MAC CEO Peter Jeffries (top left) and Project Director Travis McNaught (bottom right) speaking at the KDCCI Business After Hours event.

BEDU Bulletin

The BEDU Bulletin is a bi-monthly update with the latest training and employment opportunities, upcoming events and invites, and feature profiles on MAC member businesses.

The first edition of the new BEDU Bulletin was released in March and so far we’ve had very positive feedback.

Click here to view the latest digital version.

Murujuga Cultural Awareness

Sing out on country recordings

Murujuga Cultural Advisor Patrick Churnside has recently created a series of new sing out on country recordings.

So far Ngarluma and Yindjibarndi languages have been recorded and we hope to further expand to Yaburara and Mardudhunera languages in near future.

This type of cultural work records our cultural history and engages our Elders and rangers in working together on country.

Following discussions at a recent meeting, the Circle of Elders mentioned:

… ‘back in the old days, we would have to stop at the boundary and wait for the Ngurra-ra (custodian) to come and welcome us, they might blow in the water or sing out to the country’ - Terry Dale CoE

Click here to listen to the Ngarluma sing out.

Acknowledgement to country

Acknowledgement to country is often considered as an appropriate alternative when there is no presence of a culturally appropriate person, such as Elders (male or female) or initiated men from country, to conduct an official welcome to country or sing out (mirrayi).

This acknowledgement is a way people (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander not from the local area or non-indigenous people) can show respect to traditional custodians and their ongoing connection to country.

MAC Rangers also use this acknowledgement as an alternative to a welcome or sing out during rock art tours:

“Ngayintharri Gumawarni Ngurrangga” = (“we all come together on country”)

I would now like to acknowledge the traditional owners Yuburrara/Mardudhunera who now share the caring of the country where we are standing today with Ngarluma, Wong-goo-tt-oo and Yindjibarndi. We pay our respects to the Elders past, present and emerging from the custodial language groups. We acknowledge and recognise their continuing connection to the lands, waters and communities of this region.

Understanding when and how acknowledgement of country should be used is important, and if advice or information is ever required, you can always contact the MAC office.

Graffiti removal training

MAC rangers have recently completed two days of graffiti removal training. Care for country takes on many shapes and forms, and the rangers are always keeping a watchful eye for graffiti to land, assets and even rock art. Graffiti is reported to police and then carefully removed and cleaned up.

Useful COVID-19 Resources

Stay safe and keep in mind the COVID-19 pandemic is still active around the world. As the dry season approaches and more visitors and tourists travel within WA, we need to continue COVID-19 safe and hygiene measures to reduce the potential of another outbreak in our region.

Check out these useful COVID-19 resources, look after each other and stay as safe as possible.

Industry & Community News

The Boola Bardip Museum is offering free admission until approximately June 2022. The museum is open daily from 9.30am to 5pm and entry is free, but it’s best to book free tickets online to avoid long waits.

The exhibition features breathtaking panoramic scans of Murujuga land and sea country and plays an important role in educating the public about the richness of our culture. The exhibition also displays realistic projections of petroglyphs onto man-made rocks within the museum.

The City of Karratha are holding rhyme time and story time at local libraries in Dampier, Karratha, Wickham and Roebourne for children aged 0 to 5 until December 2021.

Learn how to support young people making career decisions: A Department of Education information evening for parents on Monday 17 May, 6pm–7pm.

MAC Member Reminders

Upcoming Public Holidays:

  • Monday 26 April (ANZAC Day observed)
  • Monday 7 June (Western Australia Day)

MAC members have until 30 June 2021 to apply for a once-off Special General Grocery Supplement in the form of a Coles or Woolworths grocery card. This special initiative will assist our members in accessing essential goods such as food and toiletries. Email us for further information.

ARE YOUR MEMBER DETAILS UP TO DATE? Click here to update them now so we can send you important news and opportunities.

For all the latest MAC news and updates click here.

Stay safe and look after each other

Office Address: 313 King Bay Road, Dampier, WA 6713

Postal Address: PO Box 1544, Karratha, WA 6714

Email: | Phone: +61 8 9144 4112
