Weather Patterns A science lesson for kindergarten By: MIss. bogen

How do weather patterns impact you and your life?

Weather is day to day conditions of a particular place

What are different types of weather?

The Weather Channel is a great place to find out about the weather!

Sunny Raining Snowing

Patterns are things that repeat themselves

For more help on patterns you can complete this activity

Local means nearby

Record means to keep track

Impact means to make a difference

Step 1: We will record the weather every day for one month by taking a picture with an iPad and put it on our weather chart.

Step 2: After a month we will label each day's weather.

Step 3: We will look for and record any patterns on our weather chart.

Step 4: We will write about how weather impacts us and our lives.

Step 5: Turn in weather chart and writing worksheet.


Created with images by moritz320 - "autumn fall leaves leaves" • Unsplash - "rainy day cityscape window" - "snow cloud" - "storm cloud" - "sun" - "writing worksheet" - "weather chart"


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