How do weather patterns impact you and your life?
Weather is day to day conditions of a particular place
The Weather Channel is a great place to find out about the weather!
Patterns are things that repeat themselves
Local means nearby
Record means to keep track
Impact means to make a difference
Step 1: We will record the weather every day for one month by taking a picture with an iPad and put it on our weather chart.
Step 2: After a month we will label each day's weather.
Step 3: We will look for and record any patterns on our weather chart.
Step 4: We will write about how weather impacts us and our lives.
Step 5: Turn in weather chart and writing worksheet.
Created with images by moritz320 - "autumn fall leaves leaves" • Unsplash - "rainy day cityscape window" - "snow cloud" - "storm cloud" - "sun" - "writing worksheet" - "weather chart"