Sitting Bull selena Ballard & Briar Rose

Monument of Sitting Bull

Quick look on Sitting Bull

  1. Sitting Bull was a Hunk-papa Lakota holy man who led his people during years of resistance to United States government policies.
  2. Born: 1831, Grand River
  3. Died: December 15, 1890 also in Grand River
  4. Children: Crow foot , Many Horses
  5. Spouses: Four Robes, Scarlet Woman, Snow-on-Her, Seen-by-her-Nation, Light Hair
  6. Parents: Her-Holy-Door, Jumping Bull

Sitting Bull (c.1831-1890) was the Native American chief under whom the Sioux tribes united in their struggle for survival on the North American Great Plains.After several years in Canada, Sitting Bull finally surrendered to U.S. forces with his people on the brink of starvation, and was finally forced to settle on a reservation. n 1873, he and Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer skirmished briefly while Custer was guarding surveyors for the Northern Pacific Railroad in Montana Territory.Three years later they met again on the Little Bighorn in the battle that made both men famous. Sitting Bull was not a war leader in that fight, but he had predicted that many soldiers would fall, and his followers believed that his magical powers had brought the victory. Although Sitting Bull survived, an aroused and vengeful army forced him to flee to Canada.In 1890, Sitting Bull was shot and killed while being arrested by U.S. and Indian agents. Sitting Bull is remembered for his great courage and his stubborn determination to resist white domination.


Created with images by Pearlmatic - "1885 Sitting Bull by David Frances Barry" • nitli - "legoland billund sitting bull"


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