When working with students on campus, Teacher Librarians commonly experience hearing students share challenges that they encounter in class or at school. We will often coach them about how to approach teachers, counselors, and admin in a professional manner by rehearsing what they might say to best explain their situation and express their needs.
During distance learning, Teacher Librarians have similarly heard from students who are experiencing problems with technology or understanding assignments. We will ask them whether or not they have informed their teachers by email, and often they will say that they have not yet done so. There have even been students who express fear about contacting adults.
Having recognized that some students lack the confidence and experience to effectively communicate their needs, we developed some resources on self-advocacy and email etiquette to share with students, and we invite you to use and adapt them.
Self-Advocacy Introduction
Email Tips Shared
Free Lesson Template
The Google Doc template linked below is for a lesson on "Using Email to Advocate for Yourself During Distance Learning (or Anytime)." Please feel free to make your own copy so that you can customize and assign it to students.
GUHSD Literacy Resources
You can find also find this lesson in the GUHSD Literacy Schoology Group (28B2-292T-VBTPS) Resources folder (see screenshot below).
See the full Resource Snack Time Archives at bit.ly/guhsd-rst.
Created with an image by Krsto Jevtic - "Google Gmail inbox | If using photo in a business related blog/ article , I would be very appreciative if you would please credit in the caption or meta to "www.krstojevtic.com""