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Learning Support News Student and library services Update for academic staff - october 2021

In this edition we spotlight the further support offered to students via drop-in clinics and workshops plus a focus on the Discovery search engine.

Learning Hub

On campus support for students.

The on campus support provided by the Learning Hub has changed for the academic year 2021-22. New drop-in clinics are now running. They’re a place for students to come with quick questions about specific academic skills such as searching, referencing and academic writing.

The drop-ins can provide useful information and tips to help build learner confidence so that they develop the skills they need to get the most from their student experience. The drop-ins are offered face-to-face on the ground floor of the library. The programme of clinics is available from

If students can't make it to a clinic, they can email their question to

There’s also a wealth of resources on the Learning Hub web site - see

As the clinics are designed for quick interactions, students should book a tutorial with one of the team if they require more in-depth support – see

If you would like us to offer a specific clinic at a particular time, please let your academic librarian know – all ideas are welcomed!

We can also run school specific drop-in sessions. The Librarians for SCEDT run a weekly online drop-in as part of the School’s Support Services hub and bespoke drop-ins are being arranged in SSSHL. Please contact your Academic Librarian for further details.

Succeed@Tees workshops are back!

Our popular informal academic skills workshops return this month. For this academic year we are offering a blended programme of on campus sessions (booking required) and online sessions (no booking needed).

As usual the workshops are full of useful information, tips and practical exercises to help your students develop the skills they need to get the most from their studies and achieve their potential.

For workshops that are on campus please be aware that registration is open until 2 hours prior to the event. A waiting list system is in use so if the event is full students do have the option to go on a waiting list.

New this year - Succeed@Tees Shorts which are a selection of online only workshops that last for just 30 minutes. See what’s on offer:

Please promote all the workshops to your students. If you think a whole cohort would benefit from attending a session, please contact your Academic Librarian to arrange for a bespoke session to be delivered to them.

Workshops in October

For more information see:


Continuing our feature on resources available from Student and Library Services. This month we are focusing on Discovery.

Discovery is a Google-like search engine for Teesside University Library. It searches the library's catalogue and many of our academic databases simultaneously, to quickly provide relevancy-ranked, credible library results through a single search box.

Use it to find books, articles, and more. You will be linked directly to the full text of materials that match your search terms, whenever possible.

Discovery is great for:

  • Getting started on your research
  • Searching for books and journals at the same time
  • Researching interdisciplinary topics
  • Searching for full-text articles

Discovery is also an excellent place to find resources for your reading lists. You can add books (print and electronic), journal articles, conference papers, newspaper and magazine articles. Watch the short video below for more information.

Next month - A closer look at referencing and Refworks


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