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PCHS Updates March 12, 2020

Water Electrolysis in Chemistry Class!

PCHS Student Government shared their outstanding programs at the student state conference. They were one of only three schools chosen to present state-wide!

Mrs. Maltby Shares our Approach to Discipline-Specific Literacy at the Michigan Science Teachers Association Conference

Sharing with Michigan teachers how our PCHS team is moving science instruction forward in this new decade.

Michigan Auto Law Offers Scholarships For Anti-Texting Campaigns

Michigan Auto Law is offering $5,000 in scholarships to Michigan high school juniors and seniors who create the best persuasive video, tweet or graphic to convince young drivers to reduce distractions while driving. The application deadline is March 31. Applicants can submit either a YouTube video (30 seconds maximum); a graphic (PNG or JPG only); or a Tweet of 110 characters or less. To apply for the Kelsey’s Law Scholarship click here. For more information...

2020 Esports Team Ready for the Spring Season!

Go Pirates!

country second graders join our english 10 students for one school, one book program! spending march learning together!

Elementary teachers prepare our sophomores for the wonders of working with second graders!
Creating a safe space design for the main character in a Boy Called Bat.
Enjoying some time in the BIG SCHOOL!
Great PCS students, ten years apart.
Mazzy helping her team recreate a scene from the text!
Having a blast!
Mr. Spranger helping out with the designs.