Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation (MAC) brings together and represents our lands five custodial Ngarda Ngarli; Ngarluma, Yindjibarndi, Yaburara, Mardudhunera, and Wong-Goo-Tt-Oo. Our strategy is to work closely as the traditional Ngarda Ngarli to maintain cohesion and to ensure our programs and outcomes reflect the needs of our community. MAC's mission is to preserve and protect our land, heritage and culture while transforming the lives of our community.
Dear MAC Members,
As the end of another financial year approaches, I want to take a moment to reflect on just how much we have achieved this year as a commercial entity.
Our main mission, aside from protecting our land, heritage and culture, is to transform the lives of our members - who are the centre stone of our community.
MAC has progressed in leaps and bounds with this, becoming more self-sufficient than ever before, strategically diversifying our operations and economic footprint, which is enabling us to provide more value for our members now and into the future.
Diversifying has ensured we are not reliant on the majority of MAC’s revenue and support stemming from only a few keys areas – such as industry and government.
Instead we are now seeing the benefits of diversifying our operations, with financial stability and our ability to take on new opportunities as they arise – adding business, employment and revenue diversity, and expanding our horizons.
From oyster and sea cucumber pilot programs on sea country, to the engagement of Rangers and members for land monitoring, surveys and other duties by external companies, and even our new Business and Employment Development Unit, and Murujuga Commercial Limited (MCL) plus the future Murujuga Tourism Precinct – all the hard work is paying off and I hope the members and the MAC team are proud of everything we have achieved, and there is much more to come.
Together we have the ability to change our future, and with the great people we have at MAC, and with the support of the Circle of Elders, our members, boards and community, I know will achieve a better future for all.
Ngayintharri gumawarni ngurrangga.
Peter Jeffries
New faces at MAC
As part of our recently announced restructure, we are pleased to welcome several new staff members to our corporate team:
Executive Assistant to the CEO – Daiva Gillam
Daiva Gillam has started in a newly created role as Executive Assistant to the CEO, providing key administrative and executive support to Peter Jeffries. Daiva will also support our Board of Directors with communications and stakeholder management.
Prior to joining MAC, Daiva worked in a similar position at the Department of Premier and Cabinet, working for a Member of Parliament and at Rio Tinto in Operations Improvement.
Daiva is now managing all meeting requests for MAC CEO Peter Jeffries and can be contacted on: ea@murujuga.org.au.
Finance Assistant – Delwynne Arthur
Delwynne Arthur recently joined MAC as our new Finance Assistant. Supporting the Chief Financial Officer, Delwynne will provide financial support, member support and administrative support to our head office.
Delwynne brings a wealth of experience and knowledge and she currently resides in Roebourne. She was previously employed as an accounts payable assistant with NBAC/Brida Pty Ltd and also worked as a Roebourne Centrelink agent/admin officer which has seen her build diverse networks, and already knows many MAC members and stakeholders.
Heritage Officer – Joseph Sollis
Joseph has temporarily joined the MAC team on an initial 6-month contract as our Heritage Officer to support MAC through the ERD Woodside approvals process.
Joseph was previously employed by Creating Communities Australia, leading and delivering complex community engagement projects across a range of sectors. Joseph has a deep interest in community engagement and development, including town planning and environmental change.
Administration Support – Rahnee Brown
Rahnee has recently joined MAC as our new Administration Support.
Having previously worked as a Youth Officer at the City of Karratha Youth Shed, Rahnee has developed a diverse range of skills that will be of great assistance to our team. She brings a positive, friendly and warm personality with an eagerness to learn.
MSLU Ranger – Aleisha Watters
Aleisha was born in Fremantle and raised in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Aleisha will assist with the administrative functions of the MLSU team and is looking forward to gaining more knowledge about our land and the history and sharing her life experiences.
Aleisha is the proud mother of two kids and when not working and being a mum, she enjoys 4x4ing, fishing, camping, outdoors and exploring. She is a qualified chef by trade and has worked in many top restaurants around Australia.
Please join us in welcoming our new recruits to MAC – it’s great having them onboard as we continue to grow and diversify!
New lidar photogrammetry project kicking off
We are pleased to announce the commencement of MAC’s first lidar photogrammetry project.
Otherwise known as ‘drone pixel mapping’, this project will see acres of ancient land and rock formations in Murujuga National Park mapped using the latest in drone technology. Drone mapping acquires aerial images with the use of specialised mapping software to create an accurate illustrated image.
Funding was received from the 2021 Grant Program ‘Connecting to Country’ and by utilising the latest technology, we hope to monitor, preserve and protect our natural landscape for future generations.
Murujuga Heritage Grant a success
We are pleased to announce that Murujuga has been successful in receiving national funding as part of the Australian Heritage Grants Program.
The program aims to improve recognition, conservation, preservation and access to the heritage values of National Heritage Listed places.
This funding will be used to help us progress our nomination for World Heritage Listing, which we hope to hear more updates on this in the upcoming months – we shall keep you posted!
Dating Murujuga's Dreaming commences
Murujuga has partnered with The University of Western Australia (Centre for Rock Art Research and Management), The University Melbourne, The University of Wollongong, Rio Tinto and Woodside to understand and learn more about the age of rock art and stone features of Murujuga.
Led by renowned archaeologists and using the latest in scientific technology, the team have commenced reconstructing and modelling Holocene voyaging around the Dampier Archipelago. Holecene voyaging is the term given to the last 11,700 years of the Earth’s history.
The Centre for Rock Art Research and Management at UWA have carefully excavated some of Australia’s oldest archaeological sites, which now includes Murujuga. They are now dating paintings, analysing the role of symbolic behaviour in human evolution and exploring the nature of contact era rock art.
With over one million recorded rock art images – some more than forty thousand years old found in Murujuga National Park – we're excited to see what archaeological evidence they find!
Woodside Energy Limited (WEL) sponsorship agreement approved
MAC recently announced the signing of a three year agreement with Woodside Energy Limited (WEL) where they will fund important ngarda-ngarli works are assisting with the World Heritage Listing of the Murujuga Cultural Landscape.
Woodside’s support of MAC’s World Heritage list aspirations for Murujuga National Park is part of an important agreement signed between MAC and Woodside in 2019 that includes specific funding for the protection, preservation and management of Murujuga and recognises the important role that MAC has in protecting Murujuga land and sea country.
World Heritage Committee meeting
The preparation of the nomination dossier remains on-track for submission to the Commonwealth Government in 2022, with drafting of key chapters well underway. An important milestone was reached at the recent Murujuga Heritage Committee meeting, held on 15 June with members reviewing the first drafts of two key chapters and the supporting Strategic Management Framework.
Members discussed the ongoing practice of Ngarda-Ngarli traditional Lore and culture, including roles and responsibilities to look after each other and care for Ngurra, which are the central part of these chapters and the nomination itself. Members also discussed the importance of ongoing community engagement and shared ideas of how this could best be done through upcoming events such as NAIDOC Week and FeNaCLNG.
World Heritage listing is the highest global recognition of the importance of a place. For Murujuga, this means international understanding of the cultural and spiritual significance of Ngurra. The addition of a place to the World Heritage List brings a commitment at local, state and national levels to protect and manage Country for present and future generations. In Australia, World Heritage places are strongly promoted and many have received increased tourist visitation from overseas and within Australia.
Murujuga Ranger Program
Congratulations to our latest qualified MAC skippers who successfully completed their training. Trainer Wayne said the rangers were a great group to work with and very keen to learn the ways of the water. Well done to all involved.
The rangers have had a busy schedule over the past several months, with some key highlights including:
- Attending TAFE for a four-day leadership course and computer training
- Partnering with Woodside in the Walk for Reconciliation
- Hosting a two day workshop with Tjamu Tjamu Rangers from KirriKurra Community
- Hosting two Karratha Senior High School trainees (Jade Churnside and Talise Drill) to help them complete their Certificate III Conservation and Land Management.
The puerulus (baby crayfish) trapping trial with DPIRD is continuing with rangers and DPIRD recently installing new traps last week using the MAC boat TOPAZ.
Rock art tours
Tours have seen a steady increase thanks to a general increase in our regions tourism and the excellent seasonal weather. It is the perfect time to #wonderoutyounder!
Junior Ranger Program
Michelle Adams (Junior Ranger Coordinator) is now assisting in the coordination of the Junior Ranger Program three days per week. The program includes students under 18 years old and has three deliveries per week – Roebourne High School, Roebourne PCYC and Karratha Youth Shed.
The program aims to bring back culture to local youth and bridge the gap between youth and elders through educational programs both on and off country.
Business & Employment Development Unit
From June 2021, the Business & Employment Development Unit (BEDU) will be involved in an exciting new venture called the Aboriginal Women’s Research Assistant and Evaluation Training Project.
Led by the Aboriginal Biodiversity Conservation (ABC), the project aims to push the boundaries of Indigenous Data Sovereignty, creating employment and empowerment for Aboriginal women in remote communities.
The training model has been designed to be culturally secure and hands-on with embedded mentoring and support and goes beyond a ‘standard’ training model. Once women have learned the skills of planning, data collection and analysis, they will work on contract evaluations via work placements.
The program will initially commence with 18 to 24 Aboriginal women from Karratha, Broome and Derby. If you an Aboriginal female job seeker or have become recently unemployed and wish to get involved in local community research projects, then please apply today!
Complete an online Expression of Interest form here, or for more information about AWRAE, click here.
BEDU Bulletin
The BEDU Bulletin is a bi-monthly update with the latest training and employment opportunities, upcoming events and invites, and feature profiles on MAC member businesses.
Click here to view the latest digital version.
Subscribe to our digital newsletter here or email us.
Murujuga Cultural Awareness
Patrick is MAC’s Cultural Advisor and recently delivered a Welcome to Country at North Regional TAFE as a part of Reconciliation Week celebrations. It was certainly well received and an emotive experience for all in attendance.
Sing out on country
Murujuga Cultural Advisor Patrick Churnside has recently created a series of new sing-out on country recordings.
So far Ngarluma and Yindjibarndi languages have been recorded and we hope to further expand to Yaburara and Mardudhunera languages in near future.
This type of cultural work records our cultural history and engages our Elders and rangers in working together on country.
- Click here to listen to the Ngarluma sing out.
- Click here to listen to the Yindjibarndi sing out.
Acknowledgement to country
Acknowledgement to country is often considered as an appropriate alternative when there is no presence of a culturally appropriate person, such as Elders (male or female) or initiated men from country, to conduct an official welcome to country or sing out (mirrayi).
This acknowledgement is a way people (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander not from the local area or non-indigenous people) can show respect to traditional custodians and their ongoing connection to country.
MAC Rangers also use this acknowledgement as an alternative to a welcome or sing out during rock art tours:
“Ngayintharri Gumawarni Ngurrangga” = (“we all come together on country”)
I would now like to acknowledge the traditional owners Yuburrara/Mardudhunera who now share the caring of the country where we are standing today with Ngarluma, Wong-goo-tt-oo and Yindjibarndi. We pay our respects to the Elders past, present and emerging from the custodial language groups. We acknowledge and recognise their continuing connection to the lands, waters and communities of this region.
Understanding when and how acknowledgement of country should be used is important, and if advice or information is ever required, you can always contact the MAC office.
Industry & Community News
Expressions of Interest open – archaelogical fieldwork
Opportunities are available for MAC members interested in participating in paid archaeological fieldwork surveys.
Please register your interest via email or by calling the MAC office at 08 9144 4112 before Wednesday, 30 June 2021.
The Boola Bardip Museum
The Boola Bardip Museum continues to offer free admission until approximately June 2022 into the current exhibition featuring breathtaking panoramic scans of Murujuga land and sea country to help educate the public about the richness of our culture.
The museum is open daily from 9.30am to 5pm and entry is free, but it’s best to book free tickets online to avoid long waits.
MAC Member Reminders
MAC members have until 30 June 2021 to apply for a once-off Special General Grocery Supplement in the form of a Coles or Woolworths grocery card. This special initiative will assist our members in accessing essential goods such as food and toiletries. Email us for further information.
ARE YOUR MEMBER DETAILS UP TO DATE? Click here to update them now so we can send you important news and opportunities.
For all the latest MAC news and updates click here.
Stay safe and look after each other
Office Address: 313 King Bay Road, Dampier, WA 6713
Postal Address: PO Box 1544, Karratha, WA 6714
Email: admin@murujuga.org.au | Phone: +61 8 9144 4112