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November 2020 @BVNLibrary we worked through some awesome projects with social studies teachers and began the research process with senior english classes. read on to find out how we did it!

World Geography

Students in Mr. Jones' and Mr. Breedlove's Geography classes learned about evaluating sources while studying Sub-Saharan Africa. Students watched PSAs about the region, found and evaluated sources, and created their own PSAs to share with the class. For Mr. Breedlove's Virtual World Geography class, students submitted their work to FlipGrid and commented on the work of others. Mr. Jones' students watched videos and used a google doc to provide feedback. This is a great example of learning modifications for in-person/hybrid classes versus virtual classes.

America Decides

Students in Mr. Smajda's America Decides class had a very busy November! Many of them volunteered as poll workers, and after the election, they began "designing" their own candidates and we studied campaign videos so they could create their own! Students wrote a demographic report, created a map designating the audience for their ad, and created the video themselves. Librarians zoomed into individual breakout rooms to help students with research and tech questions.

Senior Research

Seniors in Mrs. Dalton's ELA 12 and Contemporary Communications classes started the research process. They were joined by students in Mrs. Weir's and Mrs. Moran's Contemporary Communications classes. We worked hard to convert all materials to Google Docs for easy access for students. We spent time in hybrid learning in classes as students completed the beginning tasks of the process.


We sent our students home for Thanksgiving Break with a transition to remote learning. We were well on our way with research so it was a seamless transition for students to finish their process in a more consistent manner.
Created By
abby cornelius


Created with images by DWilliam - "american flag usa flag flag" • StartupStockPhotos - "write plan desk" • tookapic - "office work desk"
