Adobe Certification Renewal Frequently Asked Questions
May 2019
- Q: What is certification?
- A: Certification is an individual recognition of skill and competency in an Adobe solution. An individual who passes the certification exam becomes an Adobe Certified Expert (ACE).
- Q: What are the benefits of an Adobe certification?
- A: Certification validates your ability to perform a job role with Adobe solutions. Completing your coursework, gaining real-world experience and passing a certification exam demonstrates your ability to use an Adobe solution to meet complex challenges with mastery and expertise. Certifications require commitment, are legally defensible, and a validation from Adobe of your expertise.
- Q. What is recertification? How do I recertify?
- A. Recertification is the process of certification renewal. You renew your certification, or recertify, by taking and passing the latest version of the applicable Adobe certification exam.
- Q: When can I begin my certification renewal?
- A: Certification renewal will be available on July 1, 2019.
- Q: What exam do I need to take for my renewal?
- A: To find out what exam you will need to take, log in to the Adobe Credential Manager using your Adobe ID, click on “Certifications” tab and select the certification name. The exam you need to take and pass to renew your certification is listed under “Requirement to stay current.”
- Q: What is the cost to recertify?
- A: If you earned a certification before June 30, 2018, Adobe will provide you with a 50% off voucher code available to redeem.
- How do I get a 50% discounted testing voucher?
- To get the 50% discounted testing voucher, login to Adobe Credential Manager using your Adobe ID and visit the “Benefits” page. For Adobe employees, contact via email at More information, click here.
- Q. What happens if I don’t complete my certification renewal requirements on time?
- A. If you do not renew your certification by the required date, your certification will expire. This means your ACE credentials will appear in the Adobe Credential Manager or in any of your social profiles as expired.
- Q: What happens if I don’t pass the certification exam? How soon can I retake the exam if I don’t pass?
- A: You will need to retake and pass the most recent certification exam to maintain your Adobe Certified Expert status. Please plan to take the test in more than enough time to account for potential retakes before your certification expires.
- Q: What is the exam retake policy (if I don’t pass)?
- A: If a candidate fails on their first attempt to pass any Adobe Certified Expert Certification (ACE) exam, the candidate must wait at least 24 hours before retaking the exam. Failure to pass an exam on the second attempt requires a 24-hour waiting period before retaking the exam. Failure to pass an exam on the third or any subsequent attempt requires a waiting period of 14 calendar days before retaking the exam. Each attempt will incur a separate exam fee.
- Q. Will I receive an expiration notice before my certification expires?
- A. You will receive email notifications six, three, and one month from certification expiration.
- Q. How can I find out when my certification expires?
- A: We encourage you to log in to the Adobe Credential Manager where you can see when you achieved your credential and when it is set to expire. You can also check your profile to make sure you have the most up-to-date contact and job information on file.
- Q: My certification is already more than two years old. When do I have to recertify?
- A: There is a one-year grace period for ACEs holding certifications that are already two years old or older. If your certification was achieved on or before June 30, 2018, you have until June 30, 2020, to renew your certification.
- Q: My certification is not yet two years old. When do I need to recertify?
- A: If your certification was achieved on or after July 1, 2018, you have two years from your date of achievement to renew your certification. (On or BEFORE June 30, 2018, renew by June 30, 2020 | On or AFTER July 1, 2018, renew by 2 years from date of achievement)
- Q. When I achieve renewal/recertification, will Adobe issue a new digital badge for my achievement?
- A. No. Your digital badge will remain the same.
- Q. Are certifications tied to specific versions of solutions (i.e., AEM 6.5)?
- A: Not directly, no. But because certification will now require renewal every 2 years, your certification ensures that you remain up to date on the latest version of an Adobe solution.
- Q: Is it possible that I could take the same exam for renewal that I took to earn my initial certification?
- A: No. The certification exams are updated regularly enough that an updated version of the exam will be available before your certification expires. If for some reason you attempt to recertify early enough that the exam is still being updated, you will need to wait until the updated exam is available before attempting to recertify.