Bei PAUL THIERRY prallen Zitate der Kunstgeschichte, bekannte Embleme und Markennamen aufeinander. Er erhebt in bester Pop Art-Manier Alltagsgegenstände zu Kunstobjekten und wirbelt in seinen Bildern und Collagen die Ikonen unserer Gegenwartskultur gewaltig durcheinander.
The new works of JÖRG DÖRING are as always sexy, wonderfully smug and with a small but nice touch of humor. The attractive motives and the irresistible coolness of the paintings inspire and reflect an active and colorful attitude to life. In PAUL THIERRY‘s paintings quotes from art history, well-known emblems and brand names collide. He rises in the best Pop Art-style everyday objects to art objects and whirls in his art works and collages the icons of our contemporary culture tremendously messed up.