
Cross Country janel opeka yoga

When it comes to health and wellness, the hardest work produces the greatest reward in body and mind.

Running can be a struggle, but it is especially hard during the winter months when the cold temperatures give you an easy reason to slack off, or even quit. Don't hibernate. Don't quit. Keep going.

After a few hundred yards - after the first mile - the muscles and body warm up. We put more road behind us. It gets easier. We are now part of nature, enjoying what it has to offer and taking it all in. The winter has a certain smell and feel as distinct as the warmer months and as enjoyable in its own way.

Once you overcome the mental test presented by the cold air your mind opens to the experience. The urge to crawl under the covers and set the alarm for April is gone. You are back in control of your life. Winter is just one leg of the race.

Get out there. You may meet some new friends along the way.

Maintain your strength and confidence.

Spring is coming, enjoy what the present has to offer.


© Dean Pagani 2019 © Janel Opeka 2019