On April 25, Walpole High School's student council hosted a Date Auction in the auditorium. Walpole High seniors auctioned themselves to audience members who purchased "StuCo bucks" to bet with. Those who bet the highest for the individual would then have a pizza dinner with their date. The person who bet the highest amount of StuCo bucks throughout the event would win two tickets to Walpole's upcoming prom.
Seniors Connor Foley and Joe McGrath sit with their date, freshman Lotta Gresselmeryer.
For the second bid of the night, senior Audra Tosone bet the highest on Jay Goodrich winning a pizza dinner with Goodrich.
Danny Savery went onto stage sporting his baseball uniform from his game earlier that day. Savery walked off with junior Gabby Ferzoco.
Fergie's "My Humps" played in the background while Brendan Hardiman walked onto the stage to be auctioned. Hardiman was eventually won by senior Meghan Hamilton.
Members of student council acted as the dates' waiters and waitress, taking the student's orders and serving them their drinks and food.
Matt Falvey walked onto stage holding an American flag.
Senior Matt Falvey would later walk off the stage with junior Connor Brady who bid the highest amount of StuCo bucks at the event so far.
Tom Shea was the next senior to be bet on. Junior Paige Brooks bet the highest on Shea, winning a date with him.
For the second to last bid of the night, Aidan Murray went on stage wearing a sport coat and kakis. Senior Emerson MacMillan bet the highest on Murray.
To conclude the night Pat Colburn was the last person to be bet on. Senior Dan Hayes bet the highest amount of StuCo bucks throughout the event on Colburn, winning two free prom tickets.
After all the betting was over, the participants got to enjoy their pizza dinner with their dates. In addition, all the proceeds of the event, which totaled around 150$, went towards the Dove Foundation. "I think the students had fun and it was an overall good time." student council supervisor Kerry McMenimen said.