NAP Expo Asia - highlights from Day 2 12 September 2017: Focusing on the process to formulate and implement the nap

12 September 2017: Seoul, South Korea: The second and final day of the NAP Expo for Asia showcased best practices in the formulation and implementation of NAPs. Sessions focussed on country experiences of the opportunities and challenges of NAPs, and practical options for supporting implementation. There was rich discussion and interaction on the topics of integrating NAPs and SDGs, financing, assessing adaptation options and monitoring.

Panel session on NAPs as a platform to systematically organize, coordinate and address adaptation. Moderator: Abias Huongo, Chair of the LEG, UNFCCC

'We are working to realign legislation and related systems for climate change adaptation and to strengthen regional and international collaboration.' Heesun Choi, Director, Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change (KACCC)

'We should link the SDGs with NAPS through horizontal and vertical integration at the national and local level.' Eunhae Jeong, Senior Development Management Expert, United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD)

Presenting the Nexus among SDGs, Climate Change Adaptation and NAP. Sonam Lhaden Khandu, Vice-chair of LEG, UNFCCC

'Climate change affects many of the SDGs - Goal 13 links directly to the goals of the National Adaptation Plans.' Sonam Lhaden Khandu, Vice-chair of LEG, UNFCCC

'Formulating and implementing the NAP should align with national climate change policy as well as international frameworks.' Nguyen Van Huy, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), Vietnam

The session underlined the objectives of the process to formulate and implement the NAP; reducing vulnerability by building adaptive capacity and resilience, and facilitating the integration of climate change adaptation into development.

Financing the formulation and implementation of NAPs

The session discussed existing financial support for the formulation and implementation of NAPs. Presenters from Nepal and Cambodia shared their experiences in managing climate finance at the national level, and accessing funding.

'We're witnessing the sobering reality of climate change... Let's take the opportunity of the NAP Expo Asia to drive adaptation planning forwards.' Jason Spensley, GCF
'The NAP Global Support Programme and other support provides a foundation for country NAP readiness.' Jason Spensley, GCF

Appraising and prioritizing adaptation options

The session focused on the different tools for supporting informed decision-making for the prioritization of different adaptation options. Country experiences from Myanmar and Nepal outlined key aspects to take into consideration for prioritisation, main steps taken and some of the tools used. UN Environment outlined the main tools for assessing vulnerability and prioritising adaptation options and financing decisions, covering Cost-benefit Analysis (CBA), Cost-efficiency Analysis (CEA), Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA). Experiences from Sri Lanka and Bhutan from the UNDP Economic of Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA) programme were presented.

'There are many ways to appraise and prioritise adaptation options, and all options have their merits and demerits. Tools to appraise options can assist the process, but the decisions are down to policy makers and technical experts in each country.' Mozaharul Alam, UN Environment
'The NAP Expo Asia showed that there is a positive trend in taking adaptation even more seriously in the region.' Sonam Laden Khandu, Vice Chair, LEG, UNFCCC

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