In this session
- Consider copyright.
- CC Kiwi. A short video introducing Creative Commons.
- Create a CC license.
- Look at two CC resources.
What does copyright mean to you?
When can you publish stuff created by others in your own work?
Useful Links
Here are some useful links if you want to find out more about copyright...
This is a clear and general definition of Copyright Law.
An interesting UK resource highlighting Copyright Myths. You may be surprised!
The first ‘copyright’ law protecting creators and enabling them to earn a living from their creations.
This video provides a provocative insight into copyright issues in our modern, digital, global world. Well worth the 90 minute viewing.
Introducing Creative Commons
Refining copyright to share your work...
Create a CC License
Creating your own license is a great way to understand how CC works.
Imagine you have created something you want to share. Have a go at creating a license that defines how your work can be used.
Kevin Macleod's music site is a great example of a Creative Commons resource.
See how easy Kevin makes it to attribute his work correctly?
Click the 'More Button' next to every song. Every resource has a 'copy and paste' attribution. Job done!
Tip. When downloading resources you might want to use, create a document or note containing the CC attribution along with it. This can save hours later on trying to find attributions after you have finished your creation!
Flickr is a brilliant resource for images and includes a Creative Commons search filter.
Using the 'share button' Flickr makes it easy to embed correctly attributed images but does not provide a 'copy and paste' text attribution. Creating correct attributions for non web based resources such as slideshows and documents can be tricky.
Where Next?
The number of useable Creative Commons resources is growing...
Checking the Creative Commons 'CC Search' or just Googling for 'Creative Commons Resources' can help you find professional resources you can use legally in your productions.
Look out for the new generation of applications, such as Adobe Spark, which not only use CC libraries to provide resources but automatically credit when you publish.
Created with images by 'Playingwithbrushes' - "Center Stage" • carulmare - "RAFFAELLO Sanzio The Sistine Madonna (detail) 1513-14" • Ian Sane - "That’s The Connection" • PixelLightMedia - "guitar acoustic music" • Yahoo Inc - "Flickr turns 4" • kevin dooley - "Future tense" • Kenisland - "Creative Commons Grid". Creative Commons Kiwi by Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand. Licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY) .