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Thunderbird march, 2020 newsletter

All meetings and events are suspended until further notice:

By now everyone is aware of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and its arrival to our area. The Greater St. Louis Area Council’s top priority is the health and safety of our Scouts, Volunteers, Staff, and their family members. Given the rapidly changing situation, it’s best to err on the side of caution and either limit or cancel certain activities and events. For the next 10 days;

  • All District and Council events will be cancelled including District Pinewood Derby’s and hikes.
  • All district meetings will either be cancelled or occur using technology, avoiding face-to-face communications.
  • All camps will be CLOSED. If a unit has a standing reservation during this period, a credit will be issued for your next unit outing .
  • Units should take their lead from their local school district and community to determine if the unit should continue meeting.

Please be mindful that the Coronavirus effects older adults hardest. Those who are at higher risk for severe disease and death are those who are older or have underlying health conditions. We care about the health and safety of every Scout, volunteer, and their family members.

For those having symptoms of acute respiratory illness it’s recommended you stay home and not come to an event until you are free of fever (100.4° F [37.8° C] or greater using an oral thermometer), signs of a fever, and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants). Source: CDC

The Council is closely monitoring the situation in our communities, staying current on recommendations from the CDC, and consulting with local health professionals on a frequent basis. We are prepared to take additional steps as new information and best practices emerge. More communications will follow.

How can you keep Scouting?

  • Continue advancement by focusing on merit badge requirements that can be completed at home.
  • Contact your merit badge counselor via email, Facetime, etc. (remember Youth Protection training – no one-on-one communication between youth and adult).
  • Do a good turn daily. Look for ways to contribute to your community while staying safe.
  • Stay in contact with friends and families in your unit even if it’s just to say hi via a phone call, Facetime, Duo or Google hangouts.
  • As a unit leader, now is a good time to take online trainings and renew your Youth Protection Training.
  • Encourage unit, district, and Council committees to continue normally scheduled meetings using technology apps such as Zoom, Skype, Facetime, Duo, or Google Hangouts.

For questions, please reach out to your District professionals or Dave Chambliss, Director of Marketing (


  • Spring Conclave..................................................April 4-6
  • Roundtable..........................................................April 6
  • Committee/Commissioner Mtng........................April 20
  • Eagle Board of Review.........................................April 21
  • Spring Camporee................................................April 24-26
  • Roundtable/Program Preview..............................May 4
  • Eagle Board of Review.........................................May 19
  • Swift's Big KickOff.............................................May 29-31
  • Twilight Camp.....................................................June 8-11

District News:

Next Roundtable - Monday, April 6th

Meeting will be in the St. John the Baptist, as usual, and a representative from the St. Louis Zoo will be our guest speaker to tell us about opportunities for Scouting presented by the Zoo.

Update on Chapter 11 filing

It is important to remember that Scouting continues and our programs are safer than ever. Additionally, only the national organization is included in the filing. Local councils – which provide programming, financial, facility and administrative support to Scouting units in their communities – are legally separate, distinct and financially independent from the national organization.

For additional questions, here are 2 websites that may be helpful: is the official bankruptcy case website and can also be accessed via This is where you find free legal filings, a calendar of critical dates and the proof of claim form when it is available. The site also includes a link that allows others to sign up for these types of formal legal notices as they are published. includes information about what the BSA hopes to achieve through the Chapter 11 process, what the BSA is doing to support victims, its commitment to youth protection and the policies and procedures in place today to help keep kids safe in Scouting programs. The site also includes a Milestones page, which will be your best source for the latest updates throughout this process.

Camp Card sales are still on!

The Camp Card sale can help your unit generate money to deliver the Scouting program! Scouts sell coupon cards for $5 and keep $2.50 to help defray the costs of registration, summer camp, uniforms, or equipment! Sale starts February 3 and ends April 10. This program is risk free! Turn in any unsold cards by April 10 with no penalty. There is no upfront cost.

Questions? Contact Daron Storman at 314-256-3092 or

For more information or to download forms, click here

Troop 62 celebrates 80 years of Scouting!

On March 1st, a celebration of Troop 62's 80th anniversary was held at St. Joan of Arc's Cafeteria (also known as South City Catholic Academy). Dozens of former Scouts joined in for food, conversation and catching up with each other. Vintage troop memorabilia was out on display for everyone to look through and we had a 1400-image slideshow playing with photos dating back into the '70s. A wonderful few hours of celebrating our history - and now it's time to start getting ready to celebrate 100 years!

District Pinewood Derby - Canceled

Activities and Camping

Summer Twilight Camp is back

Summer Camp is open to all Cub Scouts, Siblings of Cub Scouts, and Kindergarten graduates, and will offer an unforgettable outdoor experience with activities ranging from Shooting Sports to STEM. Tower Grove Park Twilight Camp is held Monday-Thursday June 15-18 from 5:30 PM-8:30 PM. Units will need to provide their own leadership for this camp. Questions regarding this camp? Contact Camp Director Angela Blumenthal at 314-397-1844 or To sign up for this or any other day camps, go to the council website:

Sign up for Summer Camp

Overnight Camp Sessions are offered at our council camps, Camp May (Beaumont), Camp Warren Levis, Rhodes France, and Pine Ridge, ranging from 3 to 6 days and are action-packed!

Scouts can come as a pack, come with a parent or guardian, or come as an individual scout. We've got you covered. Simply let us know your Scout would like to be paired up with other Scouts coming individually. We supply the leadership! Summer camp is the perfect place for kids to be kids, immersed in nature while developing leadership and critical thinking skills.

Make memories to last a lifetime with your children at Family Camp, experiencing new adventures together! Everyone is welcome to these weekend camps, mom, dad, siblings, etc. This is a great family weekend get-away for the WHOLE family. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins - you get the picture! We'll take care of the cooking for the weekend! Camp is an environment created just for youth, children learn life skills, develop self-esteem, and gain a sense of independence and community.

Click here for information and to register for either Overnight Camp or Family Camp

Advancement and Recognition

Pack 4 Blue and Gold Highlights
Pack 4 Leaders
Pack 4 Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei recipients
Pack 125 Crosses over to Troop 181

Upcoming Badge Workshops:

Merit Badge Skill Centers

All dates subject to change due to COVID-19

  • Climbing - Saturdays and Sundays at Upper Limits
  • Chess - Apr 25, June 6, Aug 15, Oct 25, Dec 19
  • Fishing & Fly Fishing or Fish & Wildlife Management - May 3
  • Genealogy - April 18
  • Personal Fitness - April 4, May 2
  • Pets - April 11
  • Public Health - June 4
  • Scuba Diving - April 16, May 18
  • Go to the Merit Badge Skills Center page for full listings and to register:

The Missouri Botanical Garden is offering a series of Merit Badge workshops over the year. Go to\scouts


NOAC 2020

What is NOAC?

The National Order of the Arrow Conference, or NOAC, is a weeklong gathering of members of the Order of the Arrow, typically held every other year in early August on a college campus. In 2020, NOAC will be August 3-8, 2020, at Michigan State University. Over 8,000 Arrowmen from all 50 states attend NOAC, making it the second-largest event in Scouting. NOAC consists of both training and fellowship and is the pinnacle of events in the Order of the Arrow.

Registration is now open. To register, go to the NOAC site


Swift's Big Kick Off

Join the Venturing and Sea Scout Officers Association and the Swift Staff for an exciting weekend, May 29-31, 2020. Join us as we help to improve the Swift Base and setup some of the programs for the summer. Some of the items we’ll be doing include:

  • Repair shower house (painting, carpentry)
  • Electrical work around camp
  • Painting of Latrines
  • Repair of Tent Frames
  • Improved Mountain Bike Trails
  • Sailboat Setup and Repair
  • Water Break/Diverters
  • Dead Tree Removal

Then after putting in some amazing projects, its time to try out some of the fun we’ve setup. Mountain boards, waterfront, boats, games, sports and more will all be available. Saturday night will be a potluck dinner, with some great evening fun planned too.

Sunday, weather permitting Rock Climbing and Rappelling will be open for your unit.

For all information and registration go to:

Swift Base 2020

Are you ready for adventure? Swift Base has it!

Every week at Swift includes more activities than you can possibly complete. Rock Climbing, High Challenge Course, Rapelling, Low Challenge Course, Swimming, Sailing, SUPs, Equestrian Programs, Mountain Bikes Course and Trail Rides, Ascending, Mountain Boards, and more. Week 1 will be held June 21-27, and Week 2 will be July 12-18. Go to the council site for more information and to sign up:


Archeology Camp

Where: Center for American Archeology in Kampsville, IL

When: April 17- April 19, 2020 (overnight camping - schedule available on registration site)

Who: Scouts BSA (male and female camp site and facilities will be available)

What: Earn your Archeology Merit Badge at a real field school! Scouts will enjoy a weekend packed with fun programming and educational experiences. This one-of-a-kind event includes camping, flint-knapping, spear-throwing, and participating in real, guided archeological research. Scouts will get to assist the Center for American Archeology on a site visit, participating in field work and digs that contribute to archeological research and knowledge.

What's included: All program materials, curriculum, & instructors, lunch and dinner Saturday, space to camp with bathroom facilities nearby.

Cost: $45 per BSA Scout, $20 per adult. More information and registration at:

STEM Summer Programs

2020 Cub Scout Camp NOVA - 7/20/2020 - 7/23/2020 Four fun nights of STEM-Science, Technology, Engineering and Math for our Cub Scouts to enjoy at Cub World! Wolves, Bears, Webelos, and siblings going into 2nd grade and up are welcome! Earn 2 Novas (Swing and Tech Talk) and participate in fun, outdoor STEM learning.

Scouts BSA STEM week - 7/19/2020 - 7/25/2020 STEM Week is an extraordinary experience for Scouts BSA full of many STEM based merit badges and activities. Scouts will attend one merit badge (close to 40 to choose from!) or one NOVA class each day. Afternoon and evenings will include other fun STEM programs and exhibits to experience.

STEM on CAMPus - June, 2020. Webster University or SEMO. Go to the website for more information:

Ranken Summer Adventure Academies - Summer camps designed specifically for middle school and high school aged Scouts. Participants will have the opportunity to work with college instructors to earn an Auto Maintenance, Electricity, and/or Plumbing Merit Badge while enjoying the college experience, to include hands-on activities in state-of-the-arts labs and dining in the college café.


Safe Environment Program

The Archdiocese of St. Louis has a new The Catholic church has a new Youth Protection program called Safe Environment Program (SEP). This is REQUIRED for all Catholic Scouters as well as all non-Catholic Scouters who interact with youth and use Catholic owned facilities.

Safe Environment Program replaces Protecting God's Children if you have taken that in the past, but you still need to register and watch the required videos for training and certification. The online training and instructions are found at: (notice the passcode is stlprotect to get started).

The deadline is March 10th from some reports but may be extended, so please do this as soon as possible to be in compliance. If you already had Protecting God's Children, then you just need to register and watch the videos (about 45-60 minutes total time). If you have not had Protecting God's Children, then you need to register for that in addition to watching the videos. Thank you for taking this extra measure to help ensure our scouts' safety!!

Thank you to all who contributed!

Please send any stories or pictures for future newsletters to: Kris Ranciglio -

The end
