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It All Began in a Garden - Patti's Peonies and Other Beauties From the Garden of Patti Frostad, High river, ab

Here we are on another visit to my friend Patti's garden. This time with a focus on her peony collection and some wonderful alliums too. Of course there are many other wonderful plants in any garden and we will see some of these as well.

Whenever I visit this amazing garden I come away dizzy with information. Patti Frostad is a Master Gardener and can reel off names that I feel I will always remember, but I rarely do. Many times I call back asking about this one or that one and she knows exactly who I am referring to.

Regardless of the season there is always something blooming in Patti's garden.

The elegant peony never fails to impress...

with varieties collected over years...

Patti's peony collection in truly special.

and they smell delicious too!

How many shades of pink are there? I wonder.
How many shades of red?

Allium is interesting whatever stage it is at!

These giant globes of colour...

with their hundreds of delicate starbursts.

From young plants ready to burst forth their spikey globes to ones that have gone to seed - every stage has beauty and interest.
Veronica spicata in full flower beneath the lilies about to bloom

And even more to admire

With this wonderful peony, it's amazing colours revealing themselves as it's petals open we will leave the garden until next I visit. Please Spring, come soon, so this lovely garden can be enjoyed once more.

Created By
Cathy Bennington


C. J. Bennington Fine Art Photography