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Boykin Spaniel Rescue, Inc. Fall Newsletter, 2018

From the Desk of Jill Freeman, President

Dear Friends~

2018 has been another incredibly busy and gratifying year. Through September, we have taken in 69 dogs. This already exceeds the intakes from all of 2017. Jeannine will share more specifics regarding the dogs we have taken in and for whom we continue to care; and I continue to be beyond grateful for the work that Jeannine and all of our volunteers do to get these dogs into our care and through the rehabilitation Programs we have set up. I can tell you first hand~ this is a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week operation. And somehow, people always step up and make it work.

From an Operations perspective, we continue to make great strides. We have launched our new CRM (contact relationship manager) which is a much more efficient and cost effective way to communicate with our friends, as well as acknowledge and track donations. This will be a tremendous time saver from a human resource perspective. Lynne will share more about this later.

Our mid-year fundraising campaign was an incredible success, for which we are humbled and grateful. In addition to the steadfast donors who continue to give when asked, we have had an increase of 52% in the number of donors during the first eight months of this year as compared to last year. The support of each donor allows us to continue the work that is so desperately needed.

To those impacted by hurricane Florence~ you are in our thoughts and prayers. We are working on moving food donated to us down to those in need. We will continue to provide support where and how we can.

Many of you may have seen our tribute to Frank Sharp, who passed away last week. It is included in the newsletter, as well. Frank not only helped so many Little Brown Dogs, he inspired a new generation of rescuers. We send our heartfelt thanks, thoughts and prayers to the Sharp family.

Lastly, to our volunteers. I cannot thank you all enough. You always answer the call and no dog has been left behind. You make BSR work~ whether it is an ID, transport, foster, fundraising or in so many other ways. We will be forever grateful.

All the best~


BSR Alum "Beau"

A Note from Executive Director, Jeannine Culbertson

At this writing, we have reached 69 intakes for the year, equal to the number we took in all of last year. With 3 months left to go in 2018, I am sure our volunteers will be called upon over and again, and I am sure they will rise to the occasion! Our volunteers are truly the heart and soul of BSR...the transporters who jump in and drive longer than they might have initially signed up to do if it means less turnovers for the dog; the fosters who have taken in singles and doubles this year, healthy or not, for long stretches or for overnights; and the volunteers who contact shelters, process applications and represent BSR at events to help spread the word on what we do, each and every one of you is so very much appreciated!

This year we have seen success with our Seniors for Seniors adoption initiatives, and older dogs are finding forever homes at a quicker pace than in years past, thanks to successful marketing. While our average intake age hovers around 5-6, we’ve taken in pups only a few months old to seniors ages 12-14. Our PFC ranks have remained fairly constant, despite the losses of some dear old friends this year. We have had several very tough allergy cases this year, giving Handsome Harry’s intake photos a run for the money! And over and over, we’ve seen dogs that simply were not in the right situations, and needed our help to find their most suitable forever home.

It is that aspect of our work which I find endlessly fulfilling—watching our team learn all we can about the dog’s personality, needs and abilities and doing what we can to rehabilitate for health, training or behavior so that the dog can find just the right person that they are uniquely meant for. And we do this VERY WELL! Over and over, I hear stories from adopters and volunteers alike, that our process works and when we say the right dog will find you, we mean it! We have a ways left to go in this year, but I look forward to seeing more success stories and working with our volunteers to create better lives for so many special dogs and happy gotcha days for our wonderful adopters!


Our Volunteers and Where They are Located
BSR Alum "Champ"

BSR's Operations & Marketing Update from Lynne Brown

In addition to the many dogs we have taken into care this year, we continue to have lots going on in Operations and Marketing. Jill mentioned our new CRM. It may sound simple, but it has been a huge project that has been two years in the making. Our new back-end donor solution and CRM is Network for Good. Network for Good is one of the largest back-end solutions for non-profits. It is a very robust system that will meet our needs for years to come.

We are thrilled to announce we have a new Events Coordinator, Teresa Bell. Teresa is a long time volunteer and will be working to expand our presence at events. We are also hoping to do some online events so that everyone can participate (things like online auctions and raffles). If you know of any events that BSR should consider, or if you would like to volunteer to participate in an event, please email Welcome aboard, Teresa!

I would be remiss if I didn't thank Jennifer Griffin who has spearheaded ShopBSR and our Events over the last several years. Jennifer will continue to oversee our Merchandising efforts. Supported by her Mom, Sybill Noles, Jennifer has done an outstanding job for BSR which has allowed for these expanded roles.

We are already starting the planning process for 2019. Lots to do!


BSR's New Donation and Acknowledgement Portal

Our new CRM (contact relationship manager), donor portal and acknowledgement system went live on October 1st. The Network for Good system is the largest available for nonprofits and is very secure.

When an online donation is made, the donor has the opportunity to create a login and password. By doing so, you will have the opportunity to go in to your account at any time and view donations and acknowledgements. Once the donation is completed, the donor will receive an emailed tax donation receipt. Going forward, we will not be sending hard copies of acknowledgements via US Mail, unless we do not have a valid email address or if requested by the donor. If you would like a hard copy of an individual tax donation receipt or a year-end summary sent via US Mail, please email

BSR PFC "Jackson Brown"

In Memoriam

Frank Sharp

Boykin Spaniel Rescue, Inc. lost a dear friend, and rescue champion yesterday. Frank has been a volunteer since the beginning and has fostered and assisted over 100 Boykin Spaniels. He served on BSR’s Board of Directors from 2002-2004, and in 2009.

Tributes from long time volunteers and Board members have been pouring in since we heard the sad news on Friday. These are the folks that worked with him most closely, so we felt it only fitting that their words be shared with you.

Amelia Skipper, Volunteer and BSR’s first leader

Frank was a dedicated BSR volunteer. He was there from the beginning and never failed to step up when a brown dog was in need. I can honestly say he was my right- hand man during those early days. I can remember meeting him one time at an interstate exit to pass off a dog. He did what it took. In fact, I remember him being one of the first Golden Leash Award winners probably 2002 or 2003. He was a huge part of BSR getting off the ground and becoming the organization that it is today. My heart goes out to Sue and family.

Paula Lawrence, Volunteer and former BSR Board member

Frank was a great guy who introduced me to BSR. My daughter had adopted a Boykin & told me that I should look up BSR & volunteer. I submitted an online application & shortly thereafter I received a call from Frank that he had a Boykin that needed a foster. It was the middle of tax season for me but I went to his house & picked up Charley. From then on, I was “all in” & learned from the master. Whenever the caller ID showed Frank’s name it, I was like “Here I go into the chaos of another foster Boykin.”

I remember taking in four puppies who were absolutely a handful and Frank (and Sue) volunteered to keep them for a week when I went on a trip. This was after he got his diagnosis and was taking chemo.

Frank first became ill in 2007. His big heart kept pumping and he kept saving Boykins. He never turned down a Boykin in need. I remember picking up both Marley & Cosmo one day because he was driving to Chester to pick up another. The Rainbow Bridge was stressed to the max when all the Boykins he saved ran to meet him.

Frank coined our slogan “Boykin Spaniel ... a breed for the home, hunt, and heart.” He was one of a kind and will be missed.

Phyllis Patrick, Volunteer, Former Executive Director and Board Member

I met Frank at Camp Woody where BSS was having field trials about 14 years ago. Frank and his wife, Sue, were fostering a 7 year old male Boykin that I wanted to adopt. When I met Frank, the first thing I noticed was his grin. Also, I was very impressed with Frank’s knowledge of Boykins, as well as his love for the Boykin he was fostering. That day, when I left Camp Woody, not only had I adopted a Boykin- I gained a friend.

Over the past 14 years, my husband and I got to know the Sharps and would visit with them twice a year on our way to the North Carolina mountains. Frank became ill several years ago, he never lost his love of Boykins and BSR. I was not a volunteer until after Frank became ill. His passion for BSR made a lasting impression on me and I submitted a volunteer application.

Frank’s love for Boykins and his desire to help as many of these Little Brown Dogs is what I will always remember when someone mentions his name.

Dorothy Rakowski, Former Executive Director and Board Member

There are not enough words to express what a Gentleman, Friend and main contributor Frank was to Boykin Spaniel Rescue. I do not think there is a person in BSR that Frank did not touch.

Allyn Johnson, Volunteer, Former Executive Director and Board Member

Vivid images of his smile are coming to mind now. He always had a smile and hopefully still does. He was the best of the best. We worked closely together due to our locations being so close and he was the upstate RC for years.

A man with so much heart for family, friends, coworkers and especially Boykins in need.

Jane Lunn, Volunteer and Former Board Member

He was such an inspiration to all of us in the early years teaching and inspiring us on the mission of the dogs and how to support one another. I loved him as a man and his love of his wife and out brown dogs. I introduced him to my friends Melissa and Fred who received their first rescue from him. We hold him and his family in our hearts.

Boykins will continue to benefit from Frank.

Eric Grubbs, Volunteer, Former Executive Director and current Outreach Director

He never said no and even after he was diagnosed he always asked to do more. He also was an alum of the Epworth children’s home in Columbia and he worked tirelessly for those kids. He was a salt of the earth really good man. A true legend! I’m honored to call him a friend and to have known him.

Ivey Sumrell, Volunteer

Frank and Sue were awarded the first Lifetime Achievement Award for Boykin Rescue. It was so well deserved because Frank and his huge heart of gold was ALWAYS there for any and every Boykin in need. Frank and Sue… let’s NEVER forget Sue in this! She supported Frank no matter what!

Frank Sharp left an indelible mark on the Boykin Spaniel breed. He epitomized what rescue is all about. Boykin Spaniel Rescue will always be grateful to Frank for his love and dedication for every Little Brown Dog that needed it.

Paula Lawrence said it best: “I hope the Rainbow Bridge doesn’t collapse with all the dogs he has helped running to meet him”.

BSR Volunteer Spotlight

Fred Wanner

I have been a volunteer since 2010, but got a lot more active after I retired in 2013. I primarily do transports, and also do home visits in my area and represent BSR at SEWE every year.

My favorite thing about being a BSR volunteer is being able to help Boykin in need of a helping hand. I have to try real hard not to bond with every one of them I come in contact with. I was scared stiff during my first transport, no doubt about it.

I would tell someone thinking about volunteering to just do it. There are so many different jobs available that there is something for everyone. The look on a Boykin's face when you do something for them is love with no bounds.

Fred's BSR Alum "Zoe"
Fred's BSR Alum "Natty Boh"
Fred's beloved BSR Alum "Chester the Wonder Dog" who crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2016.

Editor's Note: Fred has driven thousands of miles to get many Boykin's to safety. He does long hauls for special cases that multiple legs would be very difficult for. He is a true BSR hero!

Allyn Johnson

I joined BSR in 2004, I inquired about a female Boykin named "Mille" and have been involved ever since. That inquired led me to becoming a volunteer. When I first joined, I worked in Ivey Sumrell's region.

I have fostered, transported and consulted. Over the years I have been BSR's Merchandise Coordinator, Co-Executive Director and Executive Director. Currently, I transport and am available to provide support in any way that BSR asks.

My most recent foster was BSR PFC "Boogar Roux". Sadly, we lost our beautiful Boogar in May. We are "Boykinless" for the first time in a long time.

What I love about BSR are the dogs, the volunteers......and again, the dogs! I feel Blessed to have had the pleasure of meeting and helping so many Boykin's over the past 13 years. I have adopted three incredible Boykin's: Yoo-Hoo, and owner surrender at 11 years old; Charlotte, aka Monkee Butt, because she was hairless on her hind end and a stray with more issues that I can remember; and Boogar, also an owner surrender at 12 years old.

My BSR story would be complete without mentioning Annie, a blind stray from Greenwood, SC. She was in a shelter with a horrible, contagious infection oozing out of her nostrils. Their wonderful manager, Angie, called me and told me about the dog I named Annie. I said yes, we will take her. They had her groomed, and the groomer notice her belly. She was pregnant.

Annie was blind, pregnant and heart worm positive. Oh my. Never. A First. And, hopefully, the last. Thanks to so many folks, Annie delivered pups and lived a great, loving, safe and secure life in Florida after delivering her pups.

I have, what I would consider, many life long friends that I never, ever would have met had I not joined BSR. Great dogs and great people, what's not to love?

I initially had a fear of BSR, or any rescue, putting me on the spot when asking to help out. Ivey cleared up that misconception of mine in our first meeting. In BSR, you get to step up and offer to help. Sure, you may get called on to see, if by chance, you are available to help, but you will never be pressured, period. It's called volunteering for a reason.

If you are teetering, just do it. You won't regret the time spent volunteering for BSR and making a positive difference in a dog's life. There are many areas in which to volunteer- it is not all fostering- and everyone has something to give. As mentioned above, if the time is not right for you to participate, you can easily say no. But hold on to your hat if you say "yes" because there's a great chance you will meet lots of Boykin's (some in need and some already living the good life) and lots of Boykin lovers, just like you.

Editor's Note: Allyn has been an integral member of BSR since inception. She has held several roles within BSR, and we continue to rely on her and her knowledge of our history as we build on our future.

Are you a BSR Volunteer? We want to hear from you! Tell us why you love to volunteer. No matter how you help, it is so important to us. We would love your thoughts, and would love photos too! Join our #whyivolunteer campaign! We will be sharing these on social media to spread the word, so others will become involved. Send your #whyivolunteer stories and photos to today!

BSR Junior Volunteers in Action!

These are some very hard working, cool kids!

(left to right) Olivia Tucker working at an event; Theodore Knowles held a lemonade stand; Piper Baxter held a Bake Sale!

Recent Events!

MidSouth Boykin Spaniel Club Event, June 2018, volunteers Lauren Clement & Nick Stanton
Dog Days Event at Orvis, Greenville SC, August 2018, BSR Board members Beth Crocker and Margaret Wienges
Dog Day Afternoon, Charleston September 2018, BSR Volunteers Adeline and Olivia Tucker

Upcoming Events! Mark Your Calendars!

Proceeds from the raffle will benefit BSR! Visit for more information!
Saturday, October 27th 10am-4pm. Bridgeland's Josey Lake Park, Cypress Texas
SEWE, February 15-17, 2019 in Charleston SC. Visit for more information!
visit for more information!

BSS Upland Nationals, January 19-20, 2019. Shadow Creek Farm, Ayden NC

BSS National Field Trials, March 21-24, 2019. Camden SC

The Little Brown Rescue That Did

You have probably wondered about the beautiful dog on the Homepage of our website, right?

BSR's Kara

Our beloved Kara. Found on the side of the road, alone and pregnant. She delivered her 7 beautiful pups and was loved through this and adopted by Heather Chisolm. All of the pups were adopted, one to BSR volunteer Eric Grubbs. Eric named him Paw.

We have shared a lot about Eric and Paw's journey. But, we thought we would share this tribute that was done by their friends which show the incredible accomplishments of this team.

Winning one of those is an accomplishment. The sum total is inspiring. Paw is retired now, but continues to have fun in the field.

Our rescues have accomplished so much in so many areas. We are proud of each and every one!

BSR Alum "Nocco"

Insurance Discounts!

BSR has worked very hard to develop relationships with pet insurance companies. These companies are offering discounts to all our BSR friends and family! Please, consider insurance for your pet(s), and feel free to use our discounts!

Get reimbursed up to 90% on veterinary bills with pet health insurance from Pets Best. Boykin Spaniel Rescue has teamed up with Pets Best to provide a discount on pet insurance for all our new adopters (and other friends and family). Save 5% when you enroll through their website and save an additional 5% if you’re insuring two or more pets. BSR will receive a $40 donation for everyone who signs up for pet insurance on this page! Click the button below to enroll your pets and save now, or call Pets Best at 877-738-7237 and mention discount code: BSRSAVE5
Most pet insurance companies give you the option to pick your reimbursement percentage (usually starting around 70%) and limit your payout amounts (sometimes starting at $1,000 each year). The flexibility to limit reimbursement and payouts does a great job of making your monthly payment less expensive. But what happens when an injury or illness strikes? Will 70% reimbursement and a $1,000 payout limit be enough to help your pet no matter what happens? Trupanion wants to help protect your finances while you provide the best care for your pet, no matter what the future holds. That is why we have only one policy that reimburses 90% of your coverable expenses and has no payout limits. It’s not something you can change or opt out of, it’s just our way of making sure you and your pet are protected for life.

Email if you would like a discount certificate, with 30 day free trial for Trupanion.

Rainbow Bridge

BSR PFC "Suzie", Loved by Steve Trickett

BSR Alum "Chaco", loved by Alex Mozingo

BSR Alum "Fozzie", loved by the McRae Family

BSR Alum "Chipper", loved by David & Robyn D'Agresta

BSR PFC "Boogar Roux", loved by Allyn Johnson & Keith Spencer

BSR Alum "Red", loved by the St Cyr Family

BSR Alum "Dixie", loved by the Nettles-Horseman Family

BSR Alum "Gunni", loved by the Roseborough Family

2018 Gallery of Adopted Dogs

Oats' Journey by David D'Agresta

Our entry into Boykin Spaniel Rescue started in 2014 with Chipper, BSR #869. We’d had Boykins for over 15 years, and at the time had two great girlkins. We’d been talking about adopting, for all the heartfelt reasons, and were beginning to feel that the timing was right; when I saw Chipper on the Boykin Spaniel Rescue website, I just knew he was the one. He was an amazing boy who came to us at 6-7 years old, sporting only one eye, a big scar on one ear, and unknown scars we couldn’t see. It took about eight months for him to really come out. We bonded. He always looked to me, trusted me, wanted to be there, anywhere, with me. At home, Chipper was a serial toy hoarder. Leave a toy unattended on the living room floor? He’d slip out of his bed, quietly snatch it, and return to his bed with it. His bed was his own toy box, but he’d let his sisters raid his stash without complaint, only to re-gather, over and over. If you met Chipper you loved Chipper. He was mellow, easy going, and liked everybody, young and old. But take out the shotgun, go out to the field, and he was the quintessential, relentless, Boykin. He won ribbons in club roustabouts, and was featured on a BSR T-shirt for the 2018 Spring Nationals called “The Hunt Is On”. He loved to sweep the dove field after shoots, retrieving other hunters’ lost birds to hand. On most Saturday mornings, Chipper, along with our two girlkins, could be seen sitting up in their own chairs on the patio of a local coffee shop, to be admired, petted, and photographed by passing customers, a perfect ambassador for BSR. He was a star. Then, last year, at age 11, he was suddenly gone, taken too soon by a brain tumor. My boy...Chipper...was gone....damn it, and there was no dog that would ever take his place. And with that empty hole in the gut feeling, we told ourselves that we’ve got two great girlkins, so let’s just relax and enjoy them.

But we are BSR volunteers, too, and sometimes the phone would ring for a home visit or transport. One afternoon, my wife, Robyn, was contacted with a more difficult-to-consider request. BSR had recently been contacted about a young pup that could not be kept from wreaking havoc on the other critters on the owner’s farm, and in particular, those of a winged variety. So here was a dog who exhibited qualities that mark it as a dog with fantastic natural birdiness, yet living in a home that could not nurture that quality. The owner was more comfortable doing what BSR refers to as an “owner assist” meaning an outside-of-BSR placement with an approved adopter, but I was still not sure that I could handle another dog so soon after Chipper. So I told her no, I don’t think I’m ready, not yet. It’s only been four weeks.

When the phone rang again the following week, it was to say the owner was back in town after a trip and really needed to move this dog, could we just go meet him and see where it goes? If he needs to come into BSR because you’re not ready, I was assured that even temporarily fostering him and getting a bead on his nature would help BSR make the right placement. As with every dog that comes into BSR’s care, the organization is looking for what the dog needs to lead the most fulfilled life possible and which foster, then adopter, can give them that. I know that system works as I had seen it with my Chipper. And so, even if we weren’t ready to adopt, Jeannine asked, could we get the dog out of harm’s way and get him on his first steps into BSR? We were the closest volunteers with the past experience that suited this dog.

With a sense of foreboding, I agreed, and I called the owner. They were a nice family with a hobby farm, but they admitted not having done enough research on the breed. The more marketable qualities of Boykins—being beautiful, good natured and family friendly—had overshadowed the fact that they are bred to be bird dogs. They had some ducks and chickens, amongst other livestock and, thinking he was an average farm dog, left “Otis” to his own devices some of the time. Operative word here is “had” ducks and chickens. Just before he turned a year old, “Otis” discovered them, and set about collecting them. The ducks went first, then the chickens. Nothing gruesome, just collecting. They tried to keep him behind a 5’ wire fence with a 4’ gate. I’m certain Otis laughed as he cleared it on his way back to the duck pond. To the Mrs., it was the last straw, to Boykin people, that’s potential! Ok, you’ve got my attention, but I’m going to be very deliberate, I say, I’m going to evaluate him, I say, this isn’t an automatic thing I say. I just don’t think I’m ready, I say.

I met Otis on the next Saturday, and from the first moment, it was obvious he never meets a stranger. He was all puppy. A silly, rough and tumble, undisciplined goof, that makes you smile. He submitted willingly to a leash, walked easily, was reportedly crate trained, housebroken and liked car rides. After talking with the owner for a while, we loaded up, and headed home. Once home, he needed a basic clean up, so we groomed, washed, clipped nails, dealt with fleas and a few ticks. Of course, he had a “nerves accident” on the tile, just a little pee, no big deal. He settled in his crate that night, and I told him he was sleeping in the bed of a past King. You’ve got BIG paw prints to fill buddy, if you intend to sway ME.

….to be continued!

BSR Alum "Oats"

Special Thanks to Our Corporate Sponsors

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