Did you know there is a substance called Vitamin Q? We are all familiar with Vitamins A, C, D, E and the range of B vitamins. But very few of us know about Vitamin Q – also called Ubiquinone, Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), or simply Q10 – which is synthesized by the body. Coenzyme Q10 has been used medically for congestive heart failure, type-2 diabetes, and gum diseases, also helps manage energy production in cells and has anti-aging effects on the skin. It also has potent antioxidant effects.

Unfortunately, as we age the production of CoQ10 tapers off, hence, the amount of CoQ10 in your cells become less and less as you aged. As a result, cells lose their efficiency (energy production) and protecting capacity (antioxidant power) which are important requirements for a healthy young skin.

So what can you do about the loss of CoQ10 in your body? You can use supplements, internally taking capsules as Novacs Cutin and also on the skin in form of serums like ACSP Shop Skincare Serums. CoQ10 is used in premium anti-aging skincare products, to boost skin repair and regeneration. It rejuvenates the skin by enhancing the efficiency of the cells.

Coenzyme Q10 Skin Benefits

  • It Energizes your skin. Young skin has ample amounts of CoQ10 and so has lots of energy – energy is needed to repair damage and make the skin cells healthy.
  • It Protects against photo-aging, that is premature aging due to overexposing the skin to the sunlight. The sun is the fastest causative of skin aging.
  • It Rejuvenates the skin stimulating skin cells activity. Active skin cells get rid of toxins easier and can make better use of nutrients. When your skin ages, all these processes slow down, causing dull, sallow, and wrinkled skin.
  • It Stimulates Collagen production. Collagen is a protein that decreases as we aged, leading to wrinkles and leathery skin. Helping to produce more collagen, CoQ10 is an essential ingredient for a younger skin.
  • It is a Potent Antioxidant that acts against oxidative damage, produced by UV rays of the sun, pollution, toxins, and stress, this leads to one thing: premature aging of the skin. When metals oxidize, we call it rust. When humans oxidize, we call it aging, we need something to help us prevent ‘rusting’. Antioxidants like CoQ10 are the perfect helpers to avoid human rusting, aging.
Created By
Alejandro Saldana ACSP Shop




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