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Ebong Alap Newsletter April-May 2019


Greetings from Ebong Alap.

We thank you for your interest in our work towards a gender-just society. You can share with us your views and opinion at To know more about our work visit

Here are glimpses of our latest endeavours.

Ubacho: In Her Own Words, a poster exhibition

'Ubacho' Poster Exhibition

Ebong Alap organised a poster exhibition Ubacho: In Her Own Words amplifying voices of women and their struggle for freedom from 1 to 5 June at Gorky Sadan in Kolkata . Posters with quotes and images of women have been featured in this exhibition. These posters recreate our social and political histories in an innovative and informative manner through words of women who fought for various kinds of freedom; freedom of our country from colonial rule, freedom to read and write, freedom from caste oppression, freedom to work in their chosen fields and freedom from numerous other kinds of patriarchal and sectarian oppression.

The exhibition was inaugurated with a performative reading of Ubacho posters by friends and members of Ebong Alap. Eminent Bengali litterateur Nabanita Dev Sen, writer and former civil servant Anita Agnihotri, and writer Baby Halder and athlete Pinki Pramanik who also happen to be among those women who have been featured in the Ubacho posters were present as our guests of honour. Visitors from all corners of the city including school and college students, teachers, activists and media persons came to the week-long exhibition leaving engaging comments and their feedback.

Ubacho Poster Exhibition

Ebong Alap Lingo Samyo Somman 2019

We instituted the Ebong Alap Lingo Samyo Samman in 2018 to honour both individuals and educational institutions who have been challenging gender stereotypes and working to promote gender-just social norms. Through this award we seek to recognize efforts which have hitherto remained largely unacknowledged.

memento of Ebong Alap Lingo Samyo Somman 2019

This year we are honoured to acknowledge four outstanding endeavour to fight stereotype and discrimination on the basis of gender. Ebong Alap Lingo Samyo Somman 2019 awardees include two individuals Lipika Biswas and Bilkis Bibi and two institutions Laskarpur High School and Vivekananda College for Women. Lipika, a cyclist and explorer from Kolkata, is the first Indian woman to do a solo cycling expedition across Europe. Whereas Bilkis, who also lives in Kolkata, is now steering her life away from years-long social and domestic oppression as she chooses the male-dominated field of cab driving as her profession. We are grateful to the teachers of Vivekananda College for women for giving us the opportunity to honour their very unique endeavour 'Prayas' where the principal Dr. Soma Bhattacharya along with 7 other teachers of the college arrange mid-day meals with their own money for students from underprivileged families who come to attend college from distant areas in the outskirts of Kolkata and South 24 Paraganas. Laskarpur High School of Murshidabad received the honour for their outstanding work for prevention of early marriage and endorsing education for a girl child through a written statement to be given by the parents at the time of admission stating they will not marry off their daughters before the age of 18 and let her complete the studies.

four awardees of Ebong Alap Lingo Samyo Somman 2019 being felicitated by our guests of honour
Students of Vivekananda College for women in Ubacho Poster Exhibition

Ekhon Alap Blogger Adda

Ebong Alap organised a bloggers' meet involving regular bloggers of our Ekhon Alap webzine on the eve of Bengali new year 1426. Bloggers from different professional sectors like teachers, journalists, bureaucrats, explorers who write regularly for our blog got to meet each other in person and had an engaging conversation around specific blog series that are coming out on our blog like Schooley Gender (gender in school), Menopause Series, memoirs and interview based blogs, blog series on toxic masculinity and a few others.

Adda moments

Ekhon Alap Blog

Ekhon Alap has set foot in the digital world of exchanging ideas since 2017 and exploring many aspects of gender sensitivity in the course. The Laadli Media Awards has brought us new inspirations and together with our bloggers, friends and members we are working towards making this platform more interactive and engaging.

In the last couple months we introduced two new blog series Bideshe Desher Meye and Chhele hoye othar prothom pathh discussing issues like toxic masculinity and women's workplace experience in foreign countries including first world countries. Other running series discuss women's access and agency in family and public sphere, women's fight against disability, rights of women and violence against women. Series like 'Schooley Gender' and 'Najare Bijnapan' has come up with critical topics and issues encouraging meaningful discussion on the social media.

Last couple months we published

we are on whatsapp now

Yes, its true! Ebong Alap friends and followers can now get regular updates of our blogs and digital infographics on whatsapp. You only need to leave your name and whatsapp number in the subscription box appearing top of the blog sidebar and on the blog pop-up on our website.

subscription form on our website


Alap Series books

Our books are being published under the name Alap Series since 2004.

Through Alap Series, books in easily-readable Bengali and with accompanying visual texts we address issues and concepts such as globalization, communalism, terrorism, development, and gender. The series had been envisaged for non-academic and non-English reading citizens’ groups.

Available books include:

  • পরিবার, কাজ ও মেয়েরা । নির্মলা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় । ১০০ টাকা ।
  • উন্নয়ন ও প্রান্তিক মানুষ । অনিতা অগ্নিহোত্রী । ১০০ টাকা ।
  • নগর ও নাগরিক । সুকান্ত চৌধুরি । ১০০ টাকা ।
  • বিপন্ন সময়: বর্ণবাদ, জাতীয়তাবাদ, বাক্‌স্বাধীনতা ও আজকের ভারত । সম্পাদনা: শর্মিষ্ঠা দত্তগুপ্ত, তৃণা নিলীনা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় । ৩৫০ টাকা
  • The Vedas, Hinduism, Hindutva । Kumkum Roy, Kunal Chakrabarti, Tanika Sarkar । INR 150 ।
  • Muslim-Hindu Dialogue: Issues-Queries-Arguments । compilation: Subhendu Dasgupta । INR 100 ।
  • Christian Conversions । Sumit Sarkar, Tanika Sarkar, Pradip Dutta । INR 80

You can collect our books from:

  • • Dhyanbindu, College Street, Kolkata
  • • National Book Agency, College Street, Kolkata
  • • Dey's Publishing, College Street, Kolkata
  • • Sunil Da's Book Shop, Ultadanga, Kolkata
  • • Study, Jadavpur, Kolkata
  • • Bhurjapatra, Medinipur town, West Medinipur
  • • Ramkrishna's News Stand, Post Office More, Shantiniketan
  • • Ebong Alap Office, 158/2A Prince Anwar Shah Road, Kolkata
Thank you for taking the time

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