For the 10th edition of Tables, Chairs & Other Unrelated Objects at OCAD University, we look back into our archives.
Pictured here: Emily Vender, 2011
We present a retrospective showcasing the role of furniture as a medium for personal expression, as a reflection of social and cultural norms, and as an influence upon human behavior.
Jasmin Liu, 2017
Students at OCAD U are encouraged to explore furniture beyond its aesthetic or function, but also for the message it can convey.
Claire Spring, 2018
For those who make furniture, it is not always the object alone that is pursued.
Artur Wrona, 2018
surface values
ways of seating
Interview with curators Matthew Cherkas and Sean Collins, 2014 :
and everything in its place
ad hocs, post hoc
2013 Curators: Matthew Cherkas, Bahar Ghaemi and Vincent Joseph Monastero. Exhibitors: Jeremy Alter, Nathan Asis, Sean Collins, Sarah Eldershaw, Edward Fong, Alex Taehyuk Ko, Greg McRoberts, Sanaz Mianji, Ewelina Pankowska, Tim Richards, Seung-Min Park, Dora Poon, Zeynep Sen, Jade Junghyun Yoo and Aleena Zadi. / 2014 Curators: Matthew Cherkas and Sean Collins. Exhibitors: Will Anderson, Alexandra Louise Beriault, Luca DiGregorio, Patrick Dougherty, Kinga Field, Andrew Gooding, Matthew Kennedy, Anne Kwon, Ryan Pollard, Charlotte Rauchberger, Dean Zhu. / 2015 Curators: Oscar Kwong, Mingus New and Alisa Maria Wronski. Exhibitors: Keevin Finley, Quinn Johnsen, Prairie Koo, Anne Kwon, Oscar Kwong, Danijel Losic, Martin Luu, Hannah Pertsovsky, Biwei Tan, Marc Weersink, Shixiao Yuan, Annie Fangyuan Zheng, Alex Zuck. / 2016 Curators: Alisa Maria Wronski and Claire Hamilton. Exhibitors: Naya Choi, Claire Hamilton, Topher Kong, Alastair Martin, Quinn Johnsen, Paolo Aguila, Sisley Hu, Tatu Laakso, Katrina Thompkins, Parya Vahdat, Alisa Maria Wronski, Shixiao Yuan. / 2017 Curator: Alisa Maria Wronski. Exhibitors: Licen Zhou, Lucas Stanois, Amy Jungyun Lee, Jasmin Liu, Junaid Noorah, Kelsi Sorensen, Kristen Thomson, Bella Ainsworth, Topher Kong, Claire Hamilton, Vivian Liu. / 2018 Curators: Ellie Oram, Jasmin Liu and Daniels Spectrum. Exhibitors: Arwa Ali, Emma D’souza, Mary Anne Garcia, Delphine Godden, Haneen Halabi, Surim Kim, J. Thomas Kim, Yifei Kingsley Lin, Helen Liu, Zhuojun Leon Liu, Adria Maynard, Bahareh Mostafavisabet, Pablo Muñoz, Connor Garth Novac, Ramon Leonardo Ruiz, Liz Sabucco, Payvar Sazesh, Claire Spring, Kayla Wang, Artur Wrona. / 2019 Curators: Ellie Oram and Jasmin Liu. Exhibitors: Aidan Taylor, Courtney Thompson, Ethan Arff, Kristi Chen, Nan Yang, Paul Doherty, Samuel Kwang, Taryn O’Grady, Maisha Marshall-Ende, Zoe Yuan. / 2020 Curated by Kristi Chen & Courtney Thompson. Exhibitors: Hala Al-Hadeethi, Daniel Antonucci, Ethan Arff, Kajal Asgari, Callan Convery, Paul Doherty, Monzer Ferawana, Brett Forrester, Max Minuzzo, Annabel Ngo, Taryn O’Grady, Chance Shermet, Ka Shun Yau.