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Way The Sun Hits

I chose this photo because I just like how it turned out the sun hit in a perfect area in the photo and it follows diagonals. My personal attachment is that it was my first photo I actually liked the rest I took before just weren't it and I think the viewer will see the way it just all fell into place by the position of the sun to the tree and the leaves.

we were outside taking photos and I saw the tree and the from of it just intrigued me and I too the shot and what motivated was that I wanted to try and get better at taking photo and I feel I did a good job there may say otherwise.

Pondering On Songs

This is one of my favorite photos I have and I busted wanted it to be in the protfolio and I am very happy on how it turned out, this is my father and it is special t me cause we had a fun time trying total these photos I think the viewer will see that he is thinking on something and telling by the instruments it might be song ideas. this is repititon of shapes.

It was early in the morning because I forgot to take pictures that week so me and him got it done in an hour but it was fun being able to spend time with him so that motivated me to take pictures and he was happy how they turned out so it made me feel like I was good at it.

Center Of A Tree

I chose this photo because I found it to be a good looking photo ow the tree just cut the picture in half and the other trees leaves just add a nice touch symmetry is one of my favorite photos to take. my attachment to this photo is I took this wth a cool friend I made in this class she is very nice and I think the viewer will see that it is not perfect smeary but I think it still works.

I took this at school around the morning time for practice for Mr. McCarthy and I feel like it has helped me take better photos they're definitely better photographers in here then me but I like how this turned out and it motivates e to be better.

Small World Big Ideas

This is my all time favorite image I have taken in this class because I think it looks so good I also had to get on the floor which sucked but that's the price for good photos. my attachment is that I just think its my best work the viewer might just see short depth of field I think the colors just fit correctly.

I took this for practice with objects and I like the object I got I eellike it just opens so many possibilities on what this photo can mean and what motivated me was to take more meaningful photos to me so it has more thought and care in to t in turn creating a good photo.

Falls Into Place

I chose this photo because I like how the photo divided itself one side dark one side lighter one has a person one is empty it just fit very well and accidental. I see the different between opposing sides and the viewer may just see symmetry in the photo.

I took this on the same day as the one before this for more practice with objects and I think it tells a story between both sides and I just like that about photos so it motivates me to pick up the camera ad take more like this one.

The Beauty In Yellow

I chose this photo to be in this because I hate the color yellow but in this photo I found some beauty in this color so it is special to me because someone close to me loves yellow and it reminds me of her the viewer might just see an M&M thats fill the frame but they might see what I am taking about.

I took this for practice for fill the frame and I found it my best fill the frame I have done the way it just focuses on the yellow and blurs the green works perfectly in my opinion and it made me want to try my very best to take good photos. so that motivated me to pick up the camera.

Sky High

I chose this photo because I like the lighting and how you can see the water shoot up from the stand from the rocket and his expression is like "woah!" and I thought it was caught perfectly the viewer may just see he didn't get the rocket but I find that the best part I wasn't shooting for water but I got it and I love the effect and the photo is rule of thirds.

I was told to take pictures of rockets I got some but they rent that good but I especially liked the one that wasn't a rocket it was just water its simple but I find it beautiful in its own right and it motivate to see things differently when I take photos for more meaning and effort

Squares And Rocks

I chose this photo for it simplicity and I like how it turned out and I feel like its a good photo but not the best one out of all these photos but it is a good photo the viewer may just see stone steps repeating but its the mystery on where it leads then anything and makes me think more on the photo and it is repetition of shapes.

I took this on a Saturday in my back yard ad it leads to a gate and it made me think on it a bit and I wonder where could this photo possibly lead to and it motivates me to take photos with imagination so it can have my own touch on it.

Rocking out

This picture is one of my favorites I have taken so that is why I picked this to be in my portfolio and I like it so much because it came out nice and it made me laugh when he posed like this and I think the viewer will just see rule of thirds but also repitition of shapes.

I took this photo in the morning because I had an assignment to do and it was fun I picked the camera up because I want to get better at taking photos as a whole and be skilled at this type of skill so I am very motivated to be good at photography.

Shapes Of Life

I chose this photo because all the different color and shapes that are in this and I found it to be quite beautiful and I saw it was a good photo and its special to me because it was my first time taking photos without instruction and it felt like I really understood the beauty in photography and the viewer ay just see a new tree branch that is repetition of shapes.

I took this when I signed up for a camera I thought it would be fun to try out some photography over the weekend and it was fun what made me pick uptake camera was that I really want to get better at photography and practice made perfect and Ione day want to get y own camera so I can learn even outside of this class and that motivate me to be better at this.

Created By
Eric Howard