Hello, my internet safety name is Lucy. I chose this as my stage name when i became a dancer. I am an uncoordinated individual. Self proclaimed comedic nude entertainer of the club, I am here to tell you tales. Some will have no point, others no other point but to share a smile or an awkward moment of confusion together. I am 27, I am a millennial and am not offended. I mean y'all all kinda rude but easy enough to ignore. I was born a bit wild, and my hairs always a mess. Im overly emotional. Driven. Damaged. and most of all endeared. I gotta knack for people and people got a knack for me. I battle with mostly inner demons. Im obtuse. I am loud. I am awkard. and Im okay with it.
Brit. rock group (1961-70) including John Lennon (1940-80), Ringo Starr (born Richard Starkey) (1940- ), (James) Paul McCartney (1942- ; knighted 1997), & George Harrison (1943-2001 An extremely successful and influential British rock music quartet that operated primarily in the 1960s.
An extremely successful and influential British rock music quartet that operated primarily in the 1960s.
A combination of the words 'beetles'—as a sign of respect to The Crickets—and 'beat', as in 'beat music' or the 'beat' of a drum.
A hallucinogen is a psychoactive agent that often or ordinarily causes hallucinations, perceptual anomalies, and other substantial subjective changes in thought, emotion, and consciousness that are not typically experienced to such degrees with other categories of drugs.
Albert Einstein once said, “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Created with images by jplenio - "tree nature landscape" • Nino Yang - "In Beijing Olympic Park." • Umberto - "shattered windshield of a car" • Jason Dent - "untitled image" • Aaron Burden - "Sunshine on a white daisy" • Timothy Dykes - "untitled image" • kiki Wang - "I took this picture in the Xihu park in Changsha, It has been rainy for almost a month." • Francesco Ungaro - "Yellow Leaves" • Ingmar - "untitled image" • Majid Rangraz - "Catch the light" • Sharon McCutcheon - "Trippy psychedelic saturated neon rainbow colors background." • David Clode - ""Woodstock". Rice bran oil bubbles floating on water. The background is a reflective silvery material which I have crumpled up, and the lights pointing down onto it are reflecting rainbow colours back up through the water and drops of oil towards the camera. This year is the anniversary of Woodstock, and I thought that Woodstock would be a suitable name for the sixties retro look of this psychedelic photo. I think it would look good printed onto a large stretched canvas."