#OscarsSoWhite began as a Twitter hashtag that April, a life-long film enthusiast, tweeted in 2015 during the Oscars nominations. The hashtag was inspired by the unfortunate lack of nominees of color that year. April’s efforts have compelled the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to make permanent changes to the composition and diversity of its voting body, the most structural change in its over 90-year history.
As the hashtag went viral and began to effect global conversation and awareness, April put her law career on hold to advocate full time for traditionally underrepresented* communities in the entertainment industry. (*race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, visible and invisible disability, First Nations status, and more.)
April engages her expertise, brand equity, marketing skills, moderating and speaking talent and targeted social media following to help brands and organizations create, position and promote projects and initiatives. Thanks to her ongoing dedication to the continued need for inclusivity, the once-hashtag is now a concept embedded in our cultural vernacular.
Today, April's in-demand voice on issues of race, inclusion and representation in the arts, workspaces, and social and political arenas is a driving force in projects of all scopes: from grassroots advocacy group movements to global brands and institutional initiatives:
- Moderator, commentator and master of ceremony, (in person or in the digital space). April is sought after for her talent in moderating panels, discussions and other group initiatives. Her digital moderating has become very popular due to its international ease of access and distribution.
- Cultural Consultant. April consults on films, campaigns and more, having “a seat at the table,” to ensure appropriate cultural tone and verbiage, as well as forecasting public response, before a project or product goes to market.
- Thought Leader and Influencer. Because of her cultural impact and targeted platform, April is often requested by filmmakers, marketers, networks, and world-renowned brands, to introduce, promote and position important cultural projects to her hundreds of thousands of followers, increasing viewership, engagement and participation. Her live-tweeting of shows (and accompanying marketing) is a popular tool for production and distribution entities to attract a wide-ranging demographic.
- Insightful Commentator and Writer. April’s unique and poignant take on cultural issues, films, TV series and investigative reporting sheds a light on issues of equity, inclusion, and representation. Her musings impact people from marginalized communities, and is in demand by media outlets, entertainment producers and distributors.