Welcome to Hiawatha Valley SHRM’s second newsletter! A special thank you to Jessica Ahlbrecht for making this a reality. The chapter board has been going through quite a transition period since the first of the year, with two new board positions, four new board members, an updated mission and vision statement, a change in our meeting location, and in our software, just to name a few. The whole point has been to make this organization more helpful and useful to each of you - our members - in both programming and networking opportunities. We would also very much like to see our chapter become the “go to” for all things HR in our local communities. While we’ve still got some ideas up our sleeves, communication is starting to flow more smoothly.
The programming committee has sponsored a couple of really great programs over the past four months, and is really excited to present the “2019 Legislative Update” on May 16, and “Marijuana in the Workplace: a Hazy issue for Employers” in the fall. Watch for those and additional programs as more information becomes available. Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions, or need anything. And keep us in the loop on major events in your life – job changes, promotions, new certifications, plus major personal changes you would like shared in the newsletter. We would love to hear from all of our members! See you on the 16th – and please bring your boss, a co-worker, or a friend as your guest!
Karen Renshaw, President Hiawatha Valley SHRM
May: Legislative Update
Thursday, May 16 @ 7:30 am with Larry D. Bourgerie
This program focuses on key SHRM Workforce Priorities and the Legislative issues that are at the forefront. In addition review the Federal and State Legislative trends.
Bring a guest to one of our most popular programs of the year!
We're never done learning. Our monthly programs are aimed at sharpening the tools in our HR tool belts. Here's what you can expect later this year.
September 19th: Marijuana in the Workplace, A Hazy Issue for Employers
October 17th: The Art of Union Negotiations
HR Insights: Marijuana in the Workplace
Brought to you by the insurance professionals at North Risk Partners
Marijuana, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, is classified as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, indicating it has a high potential for dependency and no accepted medical use. Although isolated components of the raw marijuana plant have recognized medicinal uses, smoking marijuana has not passed the Food and Drug Administration’s rigorous research and testing process to become an approved medicine.
Marijuana contains psychoactive chemicals, and the main active chemical is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Distribution of marijuana is a federal offense, and it is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States.
Continuing Education
The University of Wisconsin-Stout is hosting two SHRM offerings this year.
July 15-16: SHRM Human Resources Essentials course
September 3 - November 22: Online SHRM-CP / SCP Certification Prep
Stay Connected!
Please add the Hiawatha Valley SHRM email to your safe list to make sure you don't miss out on meeting notices and other important messages from the Chapter. We promise not to share your contact information!
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