
Future Land Use Implementation Planning Commission 9.19.2018

Overall Approach

  • Generate an initial map to provide a more concrete starting point for community discussion.
  • Lean towards implementation of the FLUM.
  • Balance citywide review with area-specific context.
  • Keep it simple for transparency's sake.

Tier 1: Out of Scope

Prior Actions: In finalizing the scope of work, the Commission concurred with the staff recommendation to address only the residential land use designations as part of the 2019 FLUM Amendment.

In beginning the parcel level review, staff identified areas where there is existing Transition (T) District zoning with a Multi-family (low density) Residential Land Use Designation. T Districts were typically enacted through site specific rezones, with Concomitant Zoning Agreements associated with the rezone.

Staff Recommended Approach: Identify all parcels with current commercial zoning and include these within the Commercial Zoning Review and Commercial phase of the FLUM Amendments.

Tier 2: Minor Amendments - citywide

1. Planned Residential Developments

Planned Residential Developments require a vote of all property owners in order to rezone. The R-2 PRD allows a mix of uses and densities that typically exceeds the base zoning, but remains consistent with the intent of both the Single Family Designation and the Multi-family (low density) Designation.

Staff Recommended Approach is to 1. Maintain the existing zoning.

2. Schools and Parks

School and park properties have frequently had mismatched zoning and land use designations. As a result of past reviews, only a few sites remain to be addressed as part of this review. This issue was addressed for high schools and higher education through the implementation of a Major Institutional Campus designation in the Future Land Use map. However, there are several elementary schools that retain a mismatch between the Land Use Designation and the current zoning.

Staff Recommended Approach: 1. Maintain the existing zoning, 2. Amend the FLUM to be consistent with the existing zoning.

3. Split Zones

In the past, zoning districts were often drawn at a specific distance from the right-of-way. Recent practice is to draw zoning lines following parcels, except in unique situations. Split zoning can be problematic for use and development as the use of the site must generally comply with both zoning districts.

Staff Recommended Approach: 1. Apply zoning and FLUM based on the majority of the site, and 2. Draw the boundaries where feasible on an area-wide basis to maintain a logical, consistent boundary line.

4. View Sensitive District

In several limited circumstances, properties within the View Sensitive District Overlay (VSD) are designated for Multi-family (high density). The View Sensitive District Overlay Zone typically limits new development to 25 feet in height, whereas the R-4 and R-5 high density multifamily zoning districts allow heights between between 65 and 150 feet.

Staff Recommended Approach: Where Multi-Family (high density) Designation within a View Sensitive District, apply a Low Density Multi-family Zoning District and amend the FLUM to Multi-Family (Low Density) Designation.

Tier 3: Zoning Selection Criteria

Each Land Use Designation is associated with multiple potential zoning districts. Staff proposes to develop guidance to assist the Commission in weighing appropriate zoning options. For example, the Multi-family (low-density) Land Use Designation corresponds to both the R-3 and R-4L Zoning Districts.

1. Low Density Multifamily Designation: R-4L is appropriate where:

a. Transit access is high frequency or high capacity, or

b. On designated pedestrian streets, or

c. Within ¼ mile walkshed of a Mixed-use Center.

2. Multi-family High Density Designations: Staff recommend applying only the R-4 Multifamily High Density Zoning District. The R-5 District allows development up to 150 feet in height, a scale of development that is only otherwise allowed in the City’s designated Regional Growth Centers. In addition, the potential impacts from such a scale of development are more appropriately reviewed within the context of a site rezone application where greater project details can be reviewed and conditions placed on the proposed development to address potential off-site impacts.

Tier 4: Area Specific FLUM/ Zoning Profile

  • Existing Uses
  • Nonconforming Uses
  • 20-minute Neighborhoods
  • Zoning and Land Use Transitions
  • Street Grid and Alley Access
  • Past Zoning Changes
  • Multimodal Transportation Facilities
  • Historic and Cultural Resources

Map Amendment Progression

  1. Preliminary Zoning and FLUM Map Amendments
  2. Area Specific Profile
  3. Planning Commission Public Review Draft
  4. Planning Commission Recommendation
Created By
Stephen Atkinson

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