Principal's Message
Kia Ora Koutou
Four camps later and all is well. Year 11 campers came back today and having talked to a few of them- well they are buzzing with the adventures they had. I was unfamiliar with this camp venue in the Taumarunui, so decided I would join them to check it out- and I am so glad I did.
I do not want to brag but check out my well-toned arms when next you see me because Monika Theng and I were in a two-person canoe and together we paddled 34 kilometres of the Whanganui river. The girls and staff navigated submerged trees, boulders, and rapids with the expert oversight of our intrepid guides and came out at Tawata better for the experience. Sure a few managed to accidentally swim some of the river, but they reboarded their vessels knowing what not to do next time.
The camp also saw them Mountain Biking, hiking, in a Noho Marae, and experiencing another part of their beautiful country. I also appreciated the time given to the cultural competencies provided in the Tangata whenuatanga (place-based, socio-cultural awareness and knowledge of the whenua or land we come from. This competency actively: harnesses the rich cultural capital which Māori learners bring to the classroom by providing culturally responsive and engaging contexts for learning) and the Manaakitanga (means to extend aroha (love and compassion) to others. It is found in acts such as helping a loved one, encouraging one another or even supporting a complete stranger) extended to us by those who hosted us.
I want to acknowledge our girls, the staff (Rosemary Taylor, Monika Theng, and Sarah Chapman), the accompanying parents (Lou Portman and Mark Kitchingman), and the Owhanga hosts- they were all amazing.
Town Leave- Boarding
There are rules in Main House regarding Town Leave. Years 7 and 8 do not get any. Year 9 and 10 get leave once a fortnight, and Year 11 once a week. The years 12 and 13 have differing expectations but the leave is in line with their age group.
With years 9-11 they have a clear geographical area that they can go to. Town leave is exactly that leave to go to TOWN as mapped and not to the park, or a day girl’s house and other such diversions. If they are wanting to go other places that requires a different leave process.
Breaches of Town Leave for all year levels will see girls Gated (they lose the privilege of Town Leave).
Have a safe weekend
Ngā Mihi
Around School this Week
Summer Quad
Wellness Day 18 March
Year 11 Camp
Our girls arrived back on Friday afternoon and we await stories of their week. Photos will be included in next week's newsletter. Thank you to our staff, Mrs Taylor, Ms Theng, Mrs Chapman and Mrs Gill, along with parents Louisa Portman and Mark Kitchingman for accompanying our girls on this adventure.
School Notices
Relay for Charity - Friday 9th and Saturday 10th of April
Relay for Charity is an event created to give back to the community while having fun. This year the charity we're supporting is Wairarapa Women's refuge, and the idea is to fundraise as much money as possible, in any way possible, to make a difference to those in need. Students who partake will complete laps around the St Matt's sports field by either running or walking in order to raise both awareness and money. This event is to take place on the 9th-10th of April, from 4.30 pm-10 pm for yrs 7 to 10, and from 6pm-7am for years 11 to 13.
Entry forms for this event are in the school office. For more information contact Johanna Cloutman - Service Prefect -
We are here to help! Tutoring is an initiative set up by the students for the students to support the girls and allow them to flourish in their academics. This year, despite making a few changes to how it is run to create an ever more inclusive atmosphere -- such as making the process completely anonymous (i.e. only myself, the respective tutor and the student will know that they are being tutored unless they decide otherwise) -- the core values have remained the same: to use student expertise and experience to enrich the learning of those that follow them. If any students are interested, myself and my team of tutors are more than happy to help, just send an email to me and I will match you to the best fit for you and what you are looking for. Happy learning!
Lily Burgin-Penlington - Academic Prefect
Thursday Afternoons - Term Two
We are planning to run a similar activities programme next term for two sets of five week blocks. If you would like to be involved with these afternoons by providing an activity, or have a suggestion, please contact Alison Glass ( The session runs for just over an hour in the afternoon from 2pm-3.10pm.
Open Afternoon
As you will be aware we had to cancel or Open Afternoon due to Level 2 restrictions. We are pleased to announce that this has been rescheduled for Tuesday 18 May from 2pm-5pm (Term Two Week Three). Spread the word!
Parent Teacher Interviews - Week 10 - 7th and 9th of April - Years 7-11
Booking details for these interviews will be emailed early next week.
Coming Up on the Calendar......
Term One Week 8
Monday 22 March - Whanau Time, Viva Singing At Rathkeale, Cricket in PE (Wairarapa Cricket), Junior Choir, Year 11 Shakespeare, Viva Rehearsal
Tuesday 23 March - Senior Chapel
Wednesday 24 March - Assembly, Collegiate Summer Fixture (away), Orchestra, Culture Group Rehearsal (lunchtime at RC and afterschool SMS), Viva Rehearsal, Wairarapa Primary Swimming (evening)
Thursday 25 March - Junior Chapel, Jazz Band, Wairarapa Intercollegiate Swimming
Friday 26 March - Year 10 Led Assembly, Whanau Time
Term One Week Nine
Monday 29 March - Whanau Time, Jump Jam Workshop, Junior Choir, Year 11 Shakespeare, Viva Rehearsal
Tuesday 30 March - Senior Chapel
Wednesday 31 March - Prefect Assembly, Culture Group Rehearsals, Orchestra, Viva Rehearsal
Thursday 1 April - Junior Chapel, Jazz Band, Easter Service
Friday 2 April - Good Friday