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St. Paul's Secondary School Connecting for Well-being

Welcome to our St. Paul’s Well-being newsletter. We have created this as a way to keep in touch and keep all members of our school community linked together while keeping apart. This is a very uncertain and difficult time for many, so we want to use this platform to share tips on how to stay well at home, and to keep everyone up to date on what is happening in so far as is possible.

Staying Well

Mental Health Ireland has shared five simple actions we can all take to protect our mental health and maintain positive well-being during uncertain and challenging times. The Five Ways to Well-being is used all over the world to help people take positive action to improve their well-being. These are simple and practical steps that we can take every day to boost our mood and outlook, even when faced with unfamiliar challenges.

Covid 19: State Exams and School Closures

By now most of you will have heard the news that the Leaving Cert has been postponed until late July or early August. The Junior Cert has been cancelled and will be replaced with school based exams which are yet to be formally finalized . School closures have been extended and schools will remain closed until further notice. This is obviously a totally unprecedented situation and many students and parents may be feeling confused or anxious, and understandably so. The most important thing in all of this is your health, both physically and mentally. If you are suffering from stress or anxiety because of this situation, please talk to someone about it. There is a list of online mental well-being resources and contacts at the end of this newsletter for anyone who may need them. Click on the link below to read the relevant press release in full.

Links and resources for staying well

Mental Health Ireland have put together a resource pack for coping at home during these difficult time. It can be accessed via the link below. They also have a very good website with a lot of helpful information is Ireland’s youth information website created by young people, for young people. They have compiled an online Covid-19 Guide for young people. Follow the link below to have a look.

For anyone interested in learning a new skill or possibly trying to find a bit of calm through being creative, artist Don Conroy has started a YouTube channel to teach people how to draw. If you've never heard of him you're missing out, ask your parents! If that's something you're willing to try it may be worth a look.

Reliable and accurate information on Coronavirus and any Department of Education statements can be found through the following links:

Mental Health Supports:

• Pieta House: 1800 247 247

• Samaritans: 116 123

• National LGBT Helpline: 1890 929539

• Childline: 1800 666 666

Created By
Aoife Harhen


Created with images by Emma Simpson - "Morning jog in the countryside" • Andre Benz - "Cotton Candy Skies." • Alissa De Leva - "I took this photo in a private school in Italy (Bologna) and I found beautiful these two girls studying together." • The Phope - "Happiness of the sunset" Mental Health Ireland - "5 Ways to Well-being"


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