Nightly Journal<BR><BR>Write down an extremely stressful event that happened recently:Indicate how you felt and how strongly you felt about it by putting a check mark next to the feeling and rating its intensity Moderate or High (M or H):____ angry____ guilty____ anxious____ depressedThe first step in emotional self-management is to become more aware of your habitual emotional stress reactions and to understand clearly that they are not helping you get what you want. Once you are motivated to change your emotional and behavioral reactions to situations, you are then ready to modify your thinking.Write down what you did (how did you behave?) Was your behavior helpful? Did it help solve the problem in the short Nightly Journal<BR><BR>Write down an extremely stressful event that happened recently:

Indicate how you felt and how strongly you felt about it by putting a check mark next to the feeling and rating its intensity Moderate or High (M or H):

____ angry

____ guilty

____ anxious

____ depressed

The first step in emotional self-management is to become more aware of your habitual emotional stress reactions and to understand clearly that they are not helping you get what you want. Once you are motivated to change your emotional and behavioral reactions to situations, you are then ready to modify your thinking.
Write down what you did (how did you behave?)


Was your behavior helpful? Did it help solve the problem in the short
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