Kids Yoga <BR>at Bhava<BR>with Linda Brody Kids Yoga <BR>at Bhava<BR>with Linda Brody<P>New Theme Each Week!<BR>Storytelling! Yoga Games! Creative Kid-Friendly Yoga Poses!<P>Saturdays 8:00-9:00 AM<BR>$8 Drop-In  <BR>
<P>Children become  grounded, strong and calm while learning self-regulation skills in an atmosphere that is engaging and fun!<BR><P>520A Central Ave NE 87103 | 842-1080 |<P>Linda Brody is a 1st-3rd grade teacher and  kids and family yoga teacher at Little Earth School in Santa Fe. She has taught kids and family yoga at Bhava Yoga Studio in Albuquerque since 2015.  Linda gives children the benefits of  grounding, strengthening, calming and self-regulation skills,    through carefully crafted yoga classes that are fun, engaging and in tune with the ages and developmental needs of her students. Linda has an amazing ability to connect with each child! She loves teaching yoga to children, who model joyful playful exploration.
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