SNOW COLLEGE ONLINE WRITING LAB SNOW COLLEGE ONLINE WRITING LAB HOURS: Tuesday 6:30pm-8:30pm Saturday 1:30pm-3:30pm Tutors will be available most weeks of the semester. However, the Writing Lab will be closed during holidays and finals week. 1. Before you can access the Online Writing Lab, you must be accepted into the Writing Lab Canvas page. In order to do so, email your instructor your Badger ID number to let them know of your interest in the Writing Lab. (Once you’ve been accepted into the Online Lab, you may use the online services for the rest of the semester.) 2. Make sure your paper is on the computer you’re using or on a flash drive (preferably saved as a PDF). You’ll need to upload this file later. 3. After logging in to Canvas, click on “Courses” and select the “Online Writing Lab.” (Go to “All Courses” if necessary.) 4. Click on the “Conferences” button on the left-hand side of the screen. 5. If you are connected during the online lab hours, you will see an orange button that says “Join.” Click on it. 6. You will need a microphone to talk with the tutor; click “Microphone” once you’ve joined (not “Listen Only”), and preform the audio test as instructed. 7. If there are other students in the Online Writing Lab, you will need to wait until an opening is available. 8. Using the “+” button in the lower left-hand corner, select “Upload a Presentation” where you can browse for the file and upload your paper to speak with a tutor in real time. 9. Be sure to tell the tutor your name and your instructor’s name. 10. Take notes! Keep in mind that the marks you and the tutor make on the screen are not permanent.
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