Chariot Racing By: Sarah Moss

A form of contest between small, two-wheeled vehicles drawn by two, four, or six horse teams

Rules: Cahriot teas were organized into principal factions, each managed by a different color: red, white, blue, and green. Four to six chariots competed in a single race with usually seven laps around the stadium. Two to four chariots usually raced twelve laps around the stadium. The Greeks who were competing were allowed to shove and bump each other, which usually led to injury and sometimes death.

The chariot was a supreme military weapon in Eurasia from about 1700 BCE to 500 BCE but was also used for hunting purposes and in sporting contests like the Olympic Games.

Chariot racing is similar to modern day harness racing because in harness racing people are conpeteing on carts carried by horses. .

Harness Racing

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