Gifting Search BuiLding a better Gift finding expErirence

At first after the first round of questions I thought the best thing would have been to utilize googles search and adjust the experience to optimize my users shopping experience for gifts.

Round Two of Interviews

When she saw the solve she liked it but also realized that google has something like that that is very similar. So the issue was that it wasn't very apparent when she was using the google search. So my goal was to, make it more apparent, and jubilee a betterUI that would help communicate auto the user that there is more functionality avavilable at there fingertips.

Part One: focuesses still on using google as the main platform, but once the user searches they go to the shopping/Gifting experience. I've taken away some of the description copy for the grid added plus icon to the bottom left, and a compare button to the right. Clicking expands to pdpwherethe add to gift list button is still there the compare is not in this screen but all details pertaining to product are below with the ability tree other products that are like it in the search below.
The first screen is the list that shows details about the list you've created with the ability to go in and edit and on this screen you get a total of of the items you have put in all your list to know how much you can plan to spend with the items you plan to get. The second screen is the filter expanded to take over the page and have all the filters associated like price, nearby in miles, brands, and so one, with curated categories that make it easy to get to great deals that a lot of people found like "best deals for electronics" and there would multiple tiles of different deals to choose from.
The Interview

Round One

\Q: What gift were you really happy to give and was received well by the person you gave it to?

A: Apple Watch

\Q: who did you give it to?

A: her boyfriend

\Q: How did you come up with the idea for getting that gift for that person?

A: Throughout the year that was the gift that seemed like it was the thing on his mind and really wanted from previous conversations.

\Q: so would you say you rely on conversations to give you an idea as to what would be a good gift to get people?

A: Yes, its easier to rely on what she has talked about with people to know what they are looking for when gift Giving.

\Q: How did you determine that was the specific gift that the gifted was looking for?

A: brand and specs were spoken about in previous conversations so it was a no brained because she knew what to get from the start.

\Q: Do you ever look for help from apps or customer service to find what you are looking for?

A: physically entered store and had help from customer service to find the right gift?

\Q: what did you find yourself asking when you were looking for help?

A: size, fit, color, options of the gift in mind and what's best for the giftee.

\Q: Did you find anything frustrating in finding the right fit?

A: Availability, and no holiday special

\Q: Was price point a huge concern?

A: yes, price point huge concern so you can get more gifts for loved ones.

\Q: did you actively look for deals that would help to give a better price for the product you were looking for?

A: yes and no, she usually looks for deals but not for this product as she thought their wasn't a deal

\Q: what is the favorite part about gift Giving?

A: the reaction the gifted has when they open the gift

\Q: would getting the gift in time to wrap and give to you giftee be important?

A: yes

\Q: Think of one gift you felt was difficult or at least sant in finding and giving to the giftee and what would that be?

A: the back pack the got for her boyfriend

\Q: what made getting the back pack an unpleasant experience?

A: because the recipient is very specific with what they want and finding a bag that met the specs was hard to find at a decent price

\Q: what measures did you take to find the right gift

A: Googled a lot

Round Two

\Q: what did you find that google was able to provide and how difficult was it once you found what google offered?

A: it was difficult to find through google because i couldn't describe what I was looking for to get desirable options.

\Q: did you need help describing what you were looking for?

A: yes because I knew what it needed to look like but couldn't find it in the sea of options that google was providing.

\Q: if there was one thing that hadn't gone right that would be the deciding factor in not buying it what would it have been?

A: if she couldn't see it in person

\Q: what was the process you went through when googling to find the product you were looking for?

A: went to google, searched bags, looked for bags that aligned with the personality of boyfriend, the look and feel he has, and was durable, trusted brand.


- Really needs to see in person so would need to have a feature that shows only products that she can go to in person. Filter to see only products within a given area.

- Need contact information directly to customer service representatives for follow up questions

- App should have products broken down from curated brands, being able to search by item first and have all items show and then be able to filter by brands

- The main functionality is the ability to search

- Making sure to get on time, also make sure the availability to pick up in store in called out

- Sale rep on phone or in person huge benefit

- Filters for size, fit, color, material

- Returnable items

- Items with deals huge in decision making

- Gift needs to be given in person so need to know when gift can be delivered

- Need to have detailed product information

- Have categories that are like personas for products when searched

- Need to be able to find close stores that can be visited to see product in person

- Reviews on the item level

- Comparison capabilities: be able to select multiple items and then compare

- Items with deals, or filtering cheapest to most expensive

Thanks for watching planning on building out actual prototypes in adobe xd so keep an eye out for more.


Created By
Xavier Patterson

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