Trip to the Butterfly Rainforest Sean Cole

When I was walking through the Butterfly Rainforest I came across multiple feeding stations for the butterfly's. I was amazed to see that rotten fruit was a part of their diets along with flower nectar, sap, and decomposing animals. I had never expected fruit to be a part of their diet, but I saw firsthand, butterflies feeding on the rotting bananas and oranges that were set up around the exhibit. I loved the butterfly exhibit because I learned new things and was able to connect with nature.
In addition to the many butterflies, birds were present in the exhibit. This shows that species can peacefully coexist side by side. I think humans could learn something from this and instead of always trying to conquer and put down other species, we can uplift and help them flourish. I was able to admire the combination of birds and butterflies in the same area. I saw others in the exhibit looking at the wildlife with the same innocence and wonder that I had. The museum creates a beautiful atmosphere that allows you to connect to nature in a personal way. I feel like I was able to see nature in a different way and it made me ponder the ethics behind how we treat other species.
It is not everyday that we get to observe and appreciate nature. This exhibit gave me the chance to connect with nature and think about things other than school. I was amazed by the variety of butterflies that were present in the exhibit. It was amazing to see the beautiful colors and patterns that they have on their wings. I was able to expand my horizons and see types of butterflies that I have never encountered before. This was a very unique experience and it opened my eyes to the vast world that is beyond the University of Florida.
Created By
Sean Cole

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