Diamond Ollis This is me

I am Diamond Ollis. Born in Savannah Georgia, and raised in Johnson City, TN. I am an 18 years old. I am the middle child of my three other siblings, two older sisters and one younger sister, and my little cousin we adopted three years ago. My mother is a kindergarten teacher and my father is a cardio vascular surgeon.
I am a member of my sorority Alpha Xi Delta, Gamma Theta Chapter. I hold the position COB chair and I am apart of the membership committee for our chapter.
I chose East Tennessee State University because I wanted to experience college from my hometown, since I had originally went to high school locally. I also decided to attend ETSU to be closer to my friends and family.
I am currently majoring in Mass Communications: PR and Marketing. I felt inspired to go into the business field because of the opportunities I knew it could bring me in the future.
My dream job would definitely be working as a magazine editor for a high fashion or interior design company.
I enjoy hiking with friends in my free time. Taking adventures out in nature with my closest friends gives me a chance to disconnect from social media and just enjoy the outdoors and make memories.
I also love to travel to the beach and take road trips. I love going to the beach more than anything, because the ocean reminds me of good times when I lived in Georgia with my parents and siblings.
In five years from graduation; I see myself traveling the world, exploring different countries. Most likely working as a wedding/event planner or a magazine editor making a substantially high income/ salary. I also see myself investing in a few small businesses, or even owning some of my own.

I will probably own my first home. I hopefully be married with a dog or two, possibly a baby on the way as well. I also see myself happy and healthy, still in good shape.

I also still see myself being close with my best friends that I have made over the years throughout grade school to attending ETSU. Hopefully we will be enjoying life and succeeding in our future careers. I don't know where I would be today if it wasn't for them. I'm truly grateful for all that they do.
Created By
Diamond Ollis


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