Mountain Biome THe Swiss alps

Climate of The Swiss Alps

Rainfall: Average Rainfall- 120 inches/year, Max-140 inches/year, Min-100 inches/year

Temperatures: Winter average-23-39, Winter max-46, Average Summer-59-75, Summer max- 75

Seasons: Very long winters (October-May) and short summers (June-September) below freezing temperatures

Net Primary Productivity

The productivity is low in the mountains because of the cold climate. The rainfall is average compared to the other biomes. It makes up a smaller amount of land than most of the other biomes, and the number of frost free nights is very few. Mountain biomes are found at many different latitudes. The Swiss Alps are found at 46.5 degrees North.

Soil Quality:

The soil in the Swiss alps is able to grow mostly perennials, and small, flowering plants. There is a small layer of soil that is able to grow things, but possibilities are limited due to the harsh conditions.

Invasive and Endangered

According to the government, there are currently no invasive species in the alpine tundra.


The Alpine Shrew is an endangered species in the Swiss Alps. The Shrew is endangered because of increased tourism in the areas that it lives. This is the H in HIPPCO, human.


The Brown Bear is another endangered species in the Alps. The Bear has recently been making a comeback to the area, but it was previously endangered because of human interaction and pollution.

Animals in the Swiss Alps


The Chamoix are able to eat the plants that grow in the mountains. They also eat different plants in the Winter and the Summer. This helps them to better survive in that environment.


The Ibex is able to live in rough, rocky terrain. They are excellent climbers because of their hoofs. The males are able to fight off predators with their horns.

Red Deer

The Red Deer grows a thick coat of fur that is able to keep it warm in freezing temperatures. The deer have evolved to be larger which helps them overpower predators.

Plants in the Mountain Biome

Alpine Rock Jasmine

The Alpine Rock Jasmine is able to grow off the substance that grows under the rock its on.

Rusty-Leaved Alpenrose

The Rusty-Leaved Alpenrose is able to grow in the acidic soil that is found right above the treeline.

Glacier Buttercup

The Glacier Buttercup is able to flower only days after the snow melts. It is able to ripen its seeds before the short summer is over.


Created with images by Antelao - "peak mountain alps" • USFWS Pacific Southwest Region - "Buena Vista Lake Shrew" • Accretion Disc - "Brown Bear Sitting" • Sgt Garcia F - "Valais - Van d'En Haut - Chamoix" • sAlesa - "capricorn animal alpine" • dMz - "hirsch red deer forest" • Aries Tottle - "Androsace villosa" • Hans - "ciliated alpenrose flowers alpine roses" • talaakso - "Ranunculus glacialis"

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