Slashers Golf

The slashers golf society this year were honoured to have our good friend mr Len Keeling presenting the prizes at our annual golf meet . Every year we have invited a past commanding officer this year we were delighted to invite a past RSM.

Len had a heart attack earlier in the year whilst parading through Gloucester, He was in hospital for a month and thankfully has fully recovered ,

Winners of the Burma cup, the Presedential Citation trophy ,

The Golf day was a great success with same quality golf being played,

Just a few of the winners on the day .

The champion golfer and runner up

Champion golfer 2016 Roy Evans , Runner up Dean Mitchinson.

Next years meet is friday 4th August 2017 at Brickhampton golf club , Cheltenham ,

Captain (RTD) Len Keeling

When I was invited to present the prizes at the Slashers golf society annual prize giving, I was extremely proud and honoured, Firstly to bie the first Ex RSM to be considered by the committee , I am an avid supporter of this event which attracts up to 120 ex Glosters every year from all ranks and has successfully replaced the annual regimental reunions.

I was particularly touched by the warm reception I received especially since I was lucky to have been able to attend having recently survived a heart attack and had just got back into my golf.

We remain a tight-nit family we Glosters and the civilians that are invited to play in this tournament are amazed and impressed not only at the organisation but the comradeship , friendship and that close bond hat we all have and it is this Slashers event that allows us to assemble every year and greet , swop family news and tell the same old war stories and love every minute of it.

Finally I would like to thank the committee for this opportunity and for allowing me to do a separate presentation in a way of thank you to the two medical students who saved my life on that fateful day in March last year it certainly made their day and an old man very happy.

Len presenting a gift of thanks to the two girls who saved his life .

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