Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art Spark story by E'lysse Santana

The Harn Museum of Art features works of many mediums and from many cultures.
Louis Comfort Tiffany "Eighteen-Light Pond Lily Lamp" Favrile glass and bronze

I found this Lamp to be particularly beautiful in person. Seeing the structure of the base mimicking the leaves in a pond and the artfully-crafted glass bulbs in the shape of lilies really gave a sense of the natural world and the material world coming together. It also gave an otherworldly or supernatural feeling, as if it was taken from the depths of a cave or dark forest. The medium is creative and inventive since this is not simply a painting, but is a functional sculpture.

I found the garden of the Harn Museum to be beautiful, even during the cloudy day in which I visited. I think the weather made the garden even more striking, since the humidity and rain really immersed me in the nature. Even though the garden has a relatively small amount of space to work with, the waterfall and trees are perfectly arranged to give a sense of peace.

"A thanksgiving prayer to the Mixe god Kioga in gratitude for the good harvest, Oaxaca, Mexico" Sebastiao Salgado, Gelatin Silver Print. (Photograph shown to the right)

This photograph really spoke to me because it elicits a sharp sense of hope, happiness, and gratitude. The two individuals in the picture stand at what seems like the edge of the world, looking out onto the clouds in awe and respect. The position of their arms makes it seem like they are giving in to nature, embracing its power and majesty. Seeing these two men so full of hope makes me feel like I should also cherish and find hope in the simple aspects of life.

"St. Jean's Bay" Leon Kroll. Oil on Canvas

This painting seems to capture the good life quite well. It features a group of people relaxing and socializing outside a beautiful background of a lake and mountains. This could easily be a group of people on vacation, or even people lucky enough to live in this area. The simple ability to spend time outside in a relaxed environment is a large part of the good life for most people. Not only is the actual subject of the painting calm and happy, but the colors and composition of the painting evoke these feelings as well. This painting aids in my understanding that a large part of the good life includes taking time for oneself, to be introspective and calm.

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